This is my little Poem
as you can see
he isn't strong like ice
oh you little boy
smothering eyes, visible scars
so this is my little Poem,
it sits on a street full of broken hearts
it has some scars and bleeds sometime
but it is looking for someone to heal is pain
sad people makes it cry
beer does't open his eyes
looking for someone who can accept his faith
little poem walks past happy people
happy people make him fear of life
around the corner will always be someone
to hurt you with a knife, right?
Can he recover from a bad lover?
He was badly in love
blindness joy covered his eyes
but then he felt alone taking her hand
she said something
something which was too cruel
for his weak heart to be heard
Too bad
she was just insensitive
"you're not worth my body"
she said standing from the bed
"you look ugly tonight, c'mon I will pay the gym for you
look at the other guys, they have abs, they
have golden skin and matched outfits
but look at you, you are just not enough for me"
now sitting on a bench
little poem didn't believe he was not enough
he was content with him self
curly ginger hair and goofy eyes-glasses
college student, he was proud of himself
eventually he would have found true love
love who doesn't hurt,
doesn't make nothing but love under sweaty sheets
true love doesn't expect big things, shine rings,
sleek cars, expensive dresses
true love has those big eyes for big dreams
and they will never lie, no more
Libro di Poesie
PoetryRaccolta di poesie inventate da me. La copertina è fatta da me e la foto è presa da WeHeartIt.