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I sat down with Sammy next to me .
I tried my best to just ignore jack and block him out but eventually I give in .

My head shots up and he's already looking at me .

I send him the biggest glare I've ever gave anyone and turn back to Sammy .

Madison was trying to get gilinskys attention .
I've already gave her a dirty look .

Why would he do this, I just don't understand .

He was the one who didn't speak to any of us for a couple of days ?

I decide to ignore all the questions that were piling up in my head .

I started a convo with Sammy and ordered some drinks .
Seen as though I'm not underage in Australia I may aswell make the most of it .

After about 4 glasses of wine , I'm basically drunk .
Yeah I know I'm a lightweight .

I start saying things I know I'll regret tomorrow .

"So Madison why are u even here ?" I say very rudely giving a dirty look. " I mean it's not like any of us even like you!" I laugh .

I look around and Johnson and Sammy are both sat silent while Madison looks disgusted and gilinskys is shaking his head .

"Well you know what Madison , at least I don't make up constant fake rumours about people . " I snigger .

Everyone stays silent .

"So stay if you really want . To be honest why are you even famous . You don't have fans it's just jack and jacks fans who "like" you . And geuss what !! They don't even like you ! It's just to get closer to the jacks . " I say sounding shocked as I say it . Then I burst out laughing and people on other tables turn to look .

"Right savs lets go " Johnson grabs my arm and pulls me out of the restraunt .

I'm still laughing and when we reach outside , Johnson does too .

Johnson orders a taxi and we go back to the hotel .

I woke up feeling fine .

However when I looked in the mirror my hair was a mess , the curls that were once nice and bouncy turned into a birds nest .

I had mascara under my eyes and I had a big Baggy top on .

I rolled my eyes and lay back in bed .

I can't even remember what happened I just remember Johnson taking me out early , oh .

I remember .

I Burst out laughing and head to the shower .

Ah well I thought I'd regret it , but I mustn't of been that drunk because I meant every single detail of what I said .

I strip down and get into the shower and sing for about 15 minutes then get out .

I let my hair naturally which is curly and pull on one of my yeezy tops . I put on some black leggings and text Sammy .

To Bro
Hey sammyyyyy wanna do something today ? Xx

From Bro
Sorry little sis I can't today I'm going studio with the guys . Join us if u want ?

To Bro
No doesn't matter I'll ask jai if he wants to meet again .

I text jai and ask if he wants to do something today . Whilst waiting for a reply I start on my makeup and he texts me saying sure I'll pick u up from the cafe near your hotel .

I finish my makeup and walk over to the corner cafe .

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