Chapter Twenty One-Minx

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Krism was beautiful. Her Skirt was long and floaty but it went out a little unlike my dress that just went straight down after my hips. Her face was almost glowing she was so happy! After we all walked in Krism and Cathy handed everyone a glass of champagne and we went to the table. I sat next to Krism, of course and Dlive. Krism had to rush off to take over the food but I looked at the menus placed in front of us, delicately propped up by the napkins. Everyone was amazed by the setup and were quickly babbling away.
"So Dlive hows things? We havent spoken in a while have we?" I asked my friend, exited for the night ahead.
"Well you know how it is. Missing the guys..." He looked down at the table.
"Entoan?" I asked concerned. Since Dlive and Entoan started dating, they had barely ever been apart.
"It's ok dude, You'll see him soon." I patted his back.
"And he wouldn't want you to be miserable here, would he?" Dlive smiled weakly.
Krism came out of the kitchen carrying 4 bowls placing them
in fromt of Cry, Mark, Pewds and Marzia before returning to the kitchen and coming back with Cathy who was also carrying another four bowls. Cathy served Yammy, Lizzie, Dlive and Chilled before getting two jugs of water for everyone and Krism served Adam, Cathy, Herself and me.
"There you go Bebe." she gave me a kiss on the cheek as she gave me my chow mien.
"It smells amazing Bebe, Thanks Krism, Cathy." I said giving them an acknowledging nod. They both smiled proudly and we all dug in. It was amazing. Man could they cook. I looked over at Dlive who was starting to enjoy himself and I was glad. He was my best friend and I was so pleased that he was happy. As everyone polished of the last of their Chow Mien Adam went through to help carry the roast and when everything was on the table it was like a banquet! Before anyone could begin Adam stood up.
"I'm so glad I got this amazing opportunity but im even more glad I got to share it with all of you! Here I see some of my closest friends and my beautiful, amazing, wonderful girlfriend," He looked down at Cathy with pure adoration, "But Cathy I dont want you to be my girlfriend any more." Adam said with a smile.
"Are you breaking up with me?!" Cathy gasped in horror. I saw Krism's eyes fill with panic.
"No sweetie I dont want you to be my girlfriend," He pulled Cathy up so she was standing up and he got down on one knee,
"Because I want you to be my wife!!"

To be continued...

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