Chapter Forty Five-Krism

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"Who do you think is gonna get freed this time?" I thoughtfully quizzed Lizzie and Minx. Minx was sat at the end of the two-seater couch and I had my head on the other arm rest with my feet on Minx's lap and Lizzie was sat on the blue beanbag that she had placed on the floor in front of us.

"Well I think I might be out soon, But there is still like Cry and Marzia and possibly Adam." Lizzie stated.

"But Chilled is popular and he still got booted from the house so there is every chance it could be Dlive or Mark." I contemplated.

"True, And there is every chance that me and Krism could go. If you go you go, If you stay you stay. Y'know." Minx remarked, scrolling through her instagram. 

"Hey Bebe, Lizzie, Smile!" She snapped a pic of us and the bright flash dazed me for a few moments.

"BEBE NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" I yelled in a squeaky voice and everyone turned to look at me, with weird stares.

"Minxy Moo took a photo?" Mark raised an eyebrow and I giggle-sighed. He nodded

"Called it." He triumphantly sang out.

There was an array of chuckles and giggles but we were shushed as the speaker piped up.

"Housemates, this is big brother and I can reveal the housemates up for eviction are,



LDShadowlady &

Markiplier." We were all a little surprised that those four got pulled up because Mark and Adam were really popular and we thought for sure they were staying but who goes goes, who stays stays. 

*Timeskip cuz im lazy*

"Guys I'm gonna go get more drinks, does anyone want anything?" Daniel stood up from his seat and headed to the kitchen.

"A BEER PLEASE GOOD SIR!!" Mark shouted.

"I'll have an orange juice please." Lizzie asked politely.

"BEER FOR ME TOO!" Cry yelled.

"AND ME!" Felix yelled even louder.

"Can I get a thing of apple juice Olive." Minx hopefully smiled.
"Well because I'm classy like that I'll have a wine thank you very much!" Adam chuckled.
"Same as Adam please." I asked.

"Ok well could I get a hand?" Daniel looked straight at me.

"Krism?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Sure!" I swung my legs round and lept up before bounding towards the kitchen where Daniel had now disappeared to.

When I entered the kitchen I saw Daniel already had a carton of apple juice out and Lizzies orange juice poured. 

"Hey Krism, Can I talk to you for a second?" He mumbled, "About Minx." He mumbled even quieter.

"Why? Whats wrong?!" I said, concerned.

"Look, She is my best friend and I dont want to see her get hurt. I need to make sure your serious about this and arent just going to hurt her." His eyes were full of sadness and worry as he spoke to me.

"Daniel I would never do anything to hurt Michelle and if I wasn't serious about  her then why would I be dating her? For me dating isn't to pass time, Its because you see potential in someone. And even if it doesn't work out I wouldn't drag it out or do anything to hurt her. I'm not a spiteful monster like some people." I cried out, wounded by his words.


"How could you have let your sister die! We all know we lost the wrong daughter that day. You should leave, And dont come back. You're like poison Kristen, You kill everyone you touch." My Father sternly said after my sisters funeral. Him and my Mother looked down at me in disgrace. 

*End of flashback*

"KRISM!! KRISM CAN YOU HEAR ME?" I heard a voice above me but the bright lights meant I could only see there silhouette. 

"Who- What happened?" I tried to talk loudly but only a whisper came out. I was on the kitchen floor and more and more people were flooding into the kitchen.

"What happened?" I heard Cry's distinctive voice say in a serious tone.

"I dont know we were talking and she just went pale and collapsed!" Daniel was the silhouette above me and his voice was full of panic.

I could see more clearly now and saw Cry move towards me and grab a teatowl from the work top above me. He folded it like a pillow and told Felix to get a glass of water and Minx for  proper couch pillow.

"Krism, Can you here me?" He calmly asked as he felt my head with the back of his hand.

I nodded and Minx came back in with 2 pillow which she handed to Cry. He gently lifted my feet and placed the cushions 1 on top of another before lowering my feet on top of the so they were elevated. He the placed the glass of water in my hand and told me to drink it.

"Guys clear out, Its too crowded. Minx, Dlive you guys can stay." He turned to me again as the others left, "How are you feeling now?" He looked deep into my eyes with concern.

"Better, Thank you." I sat up slightly putting one arm around his neck to hug him.


"Are you sure you're alright to go back  through?" Minx asked me as she loaded a tray with the drinks I was meant to be taking through.

"I'm fine. And stop babying me!" I whined as I went back through.

"What happened?! Are you ok!" Lizzie hugged me as I slumped down on the bean bag next to her.

"Yeah I guess I just blacked out." I shrugged. I didnt want to worry Lizzie with the flash back. It wouldnt do her any good. My thoughts were cancelled out by the voice crackling through the speaker.

"Housemates, The votes have been counted and verified and I can reveal the housmate leaving the house tonight is...


We all gasped to hear Mark get called up. He was one of the most popular people in the house. This was a big blow.

"And Seananners. Markiplier, Seananners you have one minute to say your goodbyes before making your way up to the exit together. That is all."

A/N WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTT. Sorry if you liked them but I did ask who you guys wanted to leave and this was the response I got.

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