Chapter Sixteen-Krism

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I took a deep breath before standing up and coughing to get everyone's attention. I turned to Minx and said to her,
"Michelle, I really don't know you much but," I let out a sigh, 

"I just feel this instant connection with you and I was talking to Cathy about this and well," Minx had a hopeful glint in her eye and I knew I had to do this, 

"I just really want you to be my girlfriend...And I was hoping you'd feel the same way..." I trailed off and laughed a little at the last part before Minx spoke.

"Well Krism. The truth is...I really like you too...And well I was gonna you the same question. So of course I'll go out with you!" Minx jumped up and hugged me before we sat down and she pecked me on the cheek as everyone cheered. We sat down and held hands underneath the table as we ate and afterwards we  sat in the living room next to each other and everyone got talking.
"Hey, um guys? We all know that tomorrow will be someone's last night, right? So lets make it special. Like a fancy dress party." I suggested.
Minx looked at me with a beaming smile and spoke in agreement.
"I think that's a great idea baby!" Minx smiled and put her arm around me and I snuggled into her. 

Me and Cathy got to work on preparing everything for tomorrow and we had just started on invites when Minx came and sat next to me.

"Hey Baby. Need a hand?" I smiled at my gorgeous girlfriend and shook my head.
"No, me and Cathy got this Bebe." My voice cracked a little but i dunno why so I accidentally said Bebe instead of baby and I guess it stuck!
"Hey um, didnt you guys know each other before this?" Minx asked, a little confused.
"Yeah, me and Cathy were old internet friends. I remember we used to talk everyday!" I smiled at Cathy who grinned back, both of us reminiscing. We finished the invitations and I was impressed with what we did with some of Cathy's art stuff! The invites were a dark blue fading diagonally to black with a couple of little silver jewels coming from the bottom right of the card. I handed the first one to Minx.
It read;

To Michelle,

You are invited to the
Big Brother Ball
Tomorrow at 6:00pm
Formal Dress required

After distributing the invites everyone left and me and Cathy turned our attention to food. We would make a full on 3 course meal. We just had to decide what...

When we had decided what we were going to make I started with the Menus while Cathy started prepping.


Prawn Chow Mien

Roast Beef with;
Mashed potatoes,
Yorkshire Puddings,
Green Beans,
Roast Potatoes and
Mixed Vegetables

Oreo Cheesecake with;
Whipped Cream, White
Chocolate sauce and

*The text size and font I used for the invite and menus made this look centred, Sorry If its not for you.*

After copying out 12 identical menus I went to help Cathy. The Roast needed the most preparation so Cathy had started that so I went straight onto the Cheesecake. I separated the biscuit and the filling into different bowls. Then I smashed the biscuit pieces to crumbs, added the butter and put it on the bottom and up the sides of the cake tin. That went straight into the fridge and I set to work on the filling.
Cream, Sugar, Oreo Filling.
Cheesecake filling done. Cathy said she could finish the roast and Marzia came in and offered to help with the Chow Mien. I checked my watch.


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