Missing Memories

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He woke up in his room, in his bunk bed with his stuff. What the hell happened yesterday? Was the question running through his head. He remembers being in the middle of the priests speech, He remembers Helena, looking at her shoes; trying to concentrate in something else. He remembers the hair belonging to the back of his neck rise and everything becoming a blur. He thought he might of fallen asleep, but then how did he get here?

He started to get nervous. Who the actual fuck brought me here?, What if...

-"Oh my god"- He mumbled to himself while checking all of his body looking for a recent scar or wound, he sighed in relief for seeing his body intact; at least he still had all of his organs but he no longer had the same clothes as the day before. That means someone changed my clothes he thought that means someone saw me naked, wtf.

He opened his bedroom door to check if there was somebody home. No one. Abandoned. He decided to message Helena about what the hell happened yesterday. He opened his backpack to look for his cellphone, when he stumbled upon the pink diary or better said the corpse of it. All the pages had been torn from it and nowhere to be found.

He started to panic, i mean Violet made the diary seem like something very important, something he hadn't got the time to read or wasn't ready to. He took all of his belongings from his bag. His jacket, his book, his charger and his cellphone but still no pages.

He could feel his heart racing, giving him a stabbing and pulsating headache, his body started to produce huge amounts of sweat like when he runs away but doesn't really. He tried to reach his cellphone but the moment he got it the room started spinning and a terrible sickening feel took over his body. He couldn't tell if it was an anxiety attack or a hangover. He grabbed his phone took a sit on his bed (as he could) and called Helena, he noticed 15 missed calls and 10 voice mails, but ignored them.

- "Hello...?" - She sounded sleepy and annoyed.

-"Hey, Hi... uhm do you know what the hell happened yesterday? I just can't seem to remember and by the way did you search my back pack and found a pink diary by incident?"

"...Who is this? and why are you calling me at 3am?"

"Oh yeah, it's Jason" - Apparently in the rush he didn't think of checking the hour or simply looking outside to what he would've seen a full moon that somehow emitted no light.

"I don't know, you tell me."- She raised her voice almost like that one time Jason kept insisting My Chemical Romance was coming back, she kept denying it but at the end he convinced her. She was really mad when it didn't happen and decided to take it out on him. Probably one of the worst fights they've ever had.

"I haven't seen or heard of you in two days. Last time i saw you you were rushing out of the fucking church you dick" - Jason didn't know what to do with the new information except to ask more questions.

"Wait, what? two days? How did this happen? I don't understand. Do you know where i was going? or why did i leave??" - His breathing fastened.

"No, i didn't" - She paused and took a deep breath- "But i do have a disturbing voicemail i'd like you to explain" - The room stopped spinning and he could concentrate on the conversation.

"Oh uhm... okay, okay. I'll meet you at the spot in 15 minutes okay?" - He stood rapidly.

"Fine" - She said after a sigh and followed by the end of the call.

The Synonyms of Melancholy [In Editing Process]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora