Everyone Looks Good in Black

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As she walked away in awkward high heels Jason and Helena looked at each other with a concerned face trying to process what the hell just happened.

"What the actual fuck?" - Asked Helena in complete confusion - "Are you guys dating or something?"

Jason slowly shook his head from side to side letting Helena know that this was the first time he met her.

"T-Then... Why?"
"I have no idea" - Said Jason. Helena shook off the weird experience and the dirt of her jeans and both started walking in complete silence to the little chapel where their friend would be... Let's say "honored".

As they walked in they could see it was a small intimate funeral, just for family and friends. They could see Violet's grandma, mom and uncles. At the other side of the chapel there were her friends not many but more than her family.

There sitting in a bench crying her eyes out was Laura, Violet always told Helena that she was that person you see on t.v. that's rightfully nice to everyone no matter what, and that she would always try to make everyone happy. Beside her was all of Violet's old friends some crying others with a simple red nose of crying before getting here, Helena felt like they weren't suffering enough and wanted them to feel what she was feeling,wanted them to feel real loneliness. There was a girl sitting in the last bench of the right side, Helena could tell it was Violet's oldest friend Jana. She wasn't crying, she didn't even have glossy eyes, she was simply looking at the front part of the chapel, not blinking.

Jason saw her and he remembered. He remembered her on the cliff looking at the end of the world, he remembered the commitment in her eyes, she had already made up her mind.

By the time Helena noticed Jason was no longer by her side a young buffy man came to her in his black attire.

"Hi.." - he said in an ashamed way that made her feel unbelievably uncomfortable.
"Uhm... Hi, do I know you?"
"Oh, you don't remember me? Really?" - She searched his face for the hint of a nostalgic feeling.

He had porcelain white skin with bright brown eyes, thick black hair and around twelve visible beauty marks. That's when it hit her, there's only one person in this whole world that has that much beauty marks.

" ...Jack?" - She asked in real excitement - " It took you a long time didn't it?" - He said in a cocky tone.
"Oh my god how are you?, haven't seen you in like three years." - Said Helena apparently completely oblivious to the situation he was in.

"Well... I'm angry at everything that moves so I'm great"- He said in a very sarcastic way. Helena gasped, finally realizing the situation - " Oh my god I'm so sorry I totally forgot about Sally for a moment, I'm so so so sorry, I'm a moron" - Said Helena in complete embarrassment.

"It's okay, don't worry everyone forgets about her" - Suddenly his eyes focused on something behind Helena. His whole face frowned, he clenched his fist and was biting his lip. Helena looked at what Jack was so angrily watching. It was Jason who was deeply watching Jana who was deeply watching the cross on the wall.

Helena started to sweat, she could feel the tension between them, and how his stare could make someone break into tears.

- "Jack?" - she asked hoping it would bring him back from that dark cruel place his own mind created.

- "Huh? Oh uhm right sorry, just got a little lost there..." - He was still watching Jason's slight moves like if he was preparing himself for something, or deciding to do it or not.

-"Jack? Are you okay? Do you want me to go get someone?" - She asked knowing what was about to happen. She could not stop him, she knew that, but why not trying to stop the unavoidable?

-"No, no thank you it was great seeing you again but uhm i have to go do something" - Oh oh she thought. This was going to be bad.

Jack was walking towards Jason with a look only lions give to their prays. Helena, obviously aware of the situation decided to jump in front of him and tried to defuse the bomb.

"Hey, i'm hungry, aren't you hungry? Let's go get something to eat or uhm let's sit, i mean aren't you tired?" - she fake yawned -" 'cause i am, i'm super tired, come sit with me please?" - "Helena, get out of my fucking way" - He said as he pushed her aside. - "B-But..." - were her last words before he finally tapped Jason's shoulder, breaking his concentration.

"Hi, remember me?" - asked Jack in a sarcastic tone - "Of course i do Jack, you were the moron that was a dick to his girlfriend before she was mysteriously murdered ". - Jason was also pissed, but never like Jack, when Jack got mad his whole persona would turn red, clenched yaw and a glare that would make you want to either kill yourself or flee the country.
" Are you suggesting what i think you are suggesting?" asked Jack - "Nah, i'm saying that it's obvious that there's no way you killed Sally" - Said Jason in an obvious sarcastic tone.

"I'm not as stupid as you think i am, we all know that the only one that has killed someone is you" - Jack pointed with his index finger and pushed him a little bit. This pushed Jason over the edge (no pun intended). "Ha ha, you are funny" - laughed Jason.

They started at each other for what seemed like a minute when Jason decided to give the first blow that was bound to happen. Jason felt his hand ache with a stinging feeling at the contact with Jack's chick bone, but before he could even react Jack tackled him and they both hit the ground, Jack hit his face twice before Helena came into view and tried to separate them by pulling Jack off of Jason, some people helped her until they were finally in different corners of the chapel.

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