Blood Drops

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He stood up and put everything back inside the red backpack except for his grey jacket. That jacket was the one he was using at the funeral which was weird because he wasn't wearing the same clothes. He grabbed his shoes and the jacket, but as he put it on he felt something fall out of the right pocket

"Da Fuck" - It was someone's black lace panties with a little cute pink bow. He freaked out at first, then he smirked at the fact that he probably got laid, but then he frowned disappointed because he couldn't remember it. He shook his head trying to come back to reality which always worked for him. He unzipped the front bag of his backpack and stored the panties in there, he'd investigate later.

He rushed down the carpeted stairs when a scary grawl made his stomach feel fizzy. He didn't know if he ate at all that day, the last time he remembers eating was before the funeral. Him and his sister were sitting at the kitchen table, Jason wasn't very hungry because well... He wasn't in the mood. His sister Melanie told him that he had to or he would regret it later, she also said that when people are sad they forget the basic needs of a human beings and they need someone there to remember them, but Jason didn't pay much attention, that was the last time he remembers eating something, and it wasn't even that much.

He walked to the kitchen to find a post-it note on the fridge that said:

*Honey, I'll probably stay at the office 'till 5am, we just got overflown with work, I'm sorry. You'll probably be alone the whole night. Your sister is still studying for her S.A.T.'s with her friends Marcus and Ashley. So she'll probably sleep at Ashley's. And you know your father is out, as always.



P.S: There's some leftovers from yesterday if you are hungry :)*

He sighed and wondered if they even noticed he was gone for two days. He shook his head once again telling himself that there's no time for that right now. He rumpled the note and threw it into the garbage can.

He opened the cupboard and grabbed some cookies and a Monster energy drink (his favourite). He stepped out of the house to see a very dark night, i mean it was 3am but it just seemed dark in many ways, he turned to lock the door when a drop of black paint fell on his nose. He looked up to the house's facade "MURDERER" was written in big black letters. He wanted to cry in that moment, he wanted to drop to his knees and yell at the top of his lungs i don't know what to do, please help me; he was starting to believe those words written in an oily cheap paint making him feel like a dirty liar. But held back the tears and swallowed the lump forming in his throat took a deep breath and remembered his task. He locked the door, whipped the paint off his nose with the sleeve of his jacket and grabbed his bike that was as rusty as his car, he shared it with his sister though, the car I mean. He hopped on it and rode it all the way to the parking lot.

*   *   *

She was resting her back against her dad's used pickup truck that isn't her dad's since her 16th birthday.

Helena was a very beautiful woman, she had heavy black straight hair to the jaw line, a porcelain chocolaty skin and amber eyes, she was a bit over the average height but just a bit and had a nice body most people noticed, though with all of those points to her favour she wasn't popular, basically because of her strong personality that not everybody can appreciate, besides her taste in basically everything was far from popular. She was wearing purple elastic pants and a black sweatshirt with some worn out running sneakers she disliked but still wore everywhere.

She was listening to music, as always. Smoking cigarettes, as always. She was thinking about the past, the present and the future; Thinking about the voicemail and if he really meant it. Thinking about why she couldn't answer that call or that message; Thinking about what the hell happened and trying to solve a problem to answer that question. If she should be happy or scared. If she should just leave or-

"Hey!" - She jumped a little bit. She didn't expect him to arrive so quickly. He tried to give her a hug but she refused, why did he think she was going to hug him? He knew she was mad at him then, why even trying?.

"Uhm... okay" - he scratched the back of his neck in discomfort. Helena stayed cold not giving in to his "innocent" and "fun loving" eyes.

"Explain"- She gave him her phone with the voicemail already playing.

*Hi... uhm... i guess you are not available but can you do my a favour?* - you could hear muffled voices or sounds in the background - * Can you call the police? 'cause... I-I think I killed Violet, and when you kill someone you're supposed to go to jail right? a-and* - He started to cry in the voicemail and his eyes were watering in real life - *I might of killed Sally too, I don't know, I just* *Hey* - A female voice appeared out of nowhere which caught Jason's attention - *I've got the money let's go to the liquor store, besides we ran out of ice... What are you doing? Are you crying?**I-I've got to go uhm... bye*

"..." - There was a long pause, Helena was looking intensely at Jason while Jason looked at his feet somewhat embarrassed because Helena saw or heard him cry.

"Explain" - She said in the same cold voice as in the beginning of the conversation.

"I-I don't know, i don't remember anything. I don't even recognize that woman's voice but she must be the owner of-" - He was about to pull out the black lace panties but Helena cut him off.

"Did you kill them?" - She asked knowing it was a bad idea since if he did he could kill her right there for knowing too much, but she decided to risk it because she needed answers.

"I-no, I mean, no I didn't" - Said Jason with a untrustworthy stutter.

Helena took the last drag of her cigarette, threw it to the ground and stepped on it. She let the smoke out of her lungs as she said with a stone cold face:

"Tell me what happened"

"I told you i don't remember what happened yesterday, maybe i was drugged or" -He was cut off again.

"Not yesterday, i mean the day Violet died" - Said Helena with arms crossed, a threatening stare and a very annoyed tone, like if her patience was running out.

"Oh, uhm, i don't know if I'm ready..." - He started to play with his own hands. Which is an unintentional signal to let his friends know that anxiety was creeping in.

"I didn't ask you, i ordered you to tell me"

"What? you order me? since when has that been happening because i think i missed that transition" - Now Jason looked annoyed.




"WHERE WERE YOU WHEN I FUCKING CALLED YOU HUH?" - There was a strong smell of copper that he couldn't place.



"JASON!!, YOUR NOSE IS FUCKING BLEEDING LIKE A FAUCET" - Screamed Helena at the top of her lungs.

Liar was the word echoing in his head like if someone had whispered into his ear

Before he could look down to the blood tainting his clothes he fainted.

*   *   *

"Come on, let's play a little game"- A familiar voice whispered in his ear.

"Do you want me to take this off?" She said in a playful voice with a little giggle as she took off her bra.

"We ran out of brandy and i think ice too, wanna come with me?, we can do fun stuff too"- She said as she put on her black lace bra.

"Can you pass me my blouse?" - She crawled to be next to him when she realized the cold yet troubled look on his face, she leaned into his ear and whispered:

"Don't worry, cute people are always innocent..."

The Synonyms of Melancholy [In Editing Process]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora