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I am careful to make sure that the lantern is lighting the path as I walk out in to the darkness. I know exactly where I am going, but there was a slight rain during dinner and I want to be cautious that the stones of the path are not slippery. I see the lantern ahead in the distance and I know it is Valeous waiting for me at the entrance of the garden. This is one of my favorite things, to walk with Valeous in the garden alone. Throughout our childhood we have been close. I have always felt that he was the only one who could understand what my life was like. How could I explain to someone else what it is like to always have to think of the country and your position before you thought of yourself? How could I explain to those who have few possessions and small homes that the wide expanse of castle often feels like a gilded cage? There are many who would probably look at my life from a distance and wish it was theirs because they do not see the invisible chains that dictate my life.

I try not to whine too much. I try to remind myself how privileged I am and how fortunate I am that I have so much when others have so little. I try to remind myself how fortunate I am that I do not have to work until my fingers bleed and my back aches. I do not have to worry about where my meals will come from. I do not have to worry that I might not have a place to live. I am blessed beyond many of my peers and I know that. However, it is nice that there is at least Valeous who understands how I feel.

I know his burden is different. I have a small role to play in the kingdom compared to what is expected of him. He will be king. One day everyone in the kingdom will bow to him and say his name with respect and awe. One day he will sit on the throne. One day the weight of the realm will rest upon his shoulders. I cannot image what pressure must come with that.

I reach the entrance to the garden where Valeous stands waiting. "I thought you were going to be late...again." He cannot hide his slight smile at his poor attempt at humor and I let my elbow jab him in the side.

"Bite your tongue."

"I don't know why he doesn't just tell Ronan to remind you of the time and keep you punctual."

"Because he wants the blame to lie solely with me. If he gives the responsibility to Ronan then he cannot blame me when I am late."

"If he told Ronan you would never be late again. Ronan would physically move you to where you were supposed to be."

I resist the urge to hit him again as we start our walk down the path. The night is quiet around us and the darkness makes it easy to think we are alone although we both know that there are guards keeping watch of every step we take. Even with the guards, I look forward to these walks with my brother and protector. I know that he does not run to father with my secrets just as he knows that any he tells me never cross my lips. The silence comes between us and stretches longer than usual. Valeous is the one to break the silence.

"Are we going to talk about it?" He asks.


"Why your impending marriage. Your darling betrothed will be arriving soon. Are you excited for him to come?"

"Should I be?"

"I think that most women would be, yes. Especially considering how the only goal that some rich women have is simply to find a husband to keep them in the lifestyle they are accustomed."

"I do not need a man to maintain my status, my own name does that just fine." I notice the indignant edge that has come to my voice.

"Even so, the man you are going to marry is on his way here to have your hand."

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