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I step over to one of the tables overflowing with food in search of a drink. It is warm in the room with all of the people and moving bodies and after two dances with Broderick I find that I am in need of a break to catch my breath and a drink to quench my thirst. While the dress is beautiful, like all those with corsets, a deep breath is still restricted. Lila and Cora are almost instantly at my side, both with smiles.

"Lord Viser is quite an accomplished dancer." Lila says as she hands me a cup. "And you appeared quite at ease in his arms."

I can feel the blush starting, but thankfully the warmth in the room has already flushed my cheeks so it is not obvious. "He is a wonderful dancer, and seems able to hide any ungainliness."

"And a very kind man." Cora touches my shoulder and turns me slightly so that I am again facing the dance floor.

Broderick is leading a girl out onto the floor, I can see the pink of her dress peeking out from behind him. There is a tinge of jealously that starts to flare until I realize whose hand he is holding. Elisa. My younger sister follows behind, and although she is trying to hide it, I can tell how excited she is to have a chance to dance. Father allows her to attend some parties, but she is too young to wed and guards hover close to any who draw near. As most men want to spend their time with women where a future is a possibility, she spends most of her time observing rather than partaking in the festivities. I have watched her before, stand off to the side, and dance a few steps by herself, as she watched the others move around the room.

Broderick leads her to the center of the room, bowing to her as he had to me and Elisa works to temper the smile that is threatening to cover her face. I feel a slight sense of warmth as I watch them together. It is very thoughtful of him to spend a dance with my younger sister, especially since he is unaware of how neglected she has been feeling. Elisa is swept up in his arms as the music changes and starts to float across the room. Elisa moves with him, far more graceful than I am sure I ever appeared. I can tell that he has to shorten his steps to compensate for their height difference, but he offers her a smile and continues to dance.

My eyes never stray from them. "Yes, he is a very kind man."

Cora steps a bit closer. "I think that perhaps you are not as opposed to this union as you were before Lord Broderick arrived."

Lila speaks up, "It doesn't hurt that he is quite handsome. I could see quite a few jealous looks cast your way when everyone caught a glimpse of him."

I open my mouth to speak but close it as my father comes to where I stand. Lila and Cora curtsy slightly and walk away. "Father."

My father holds out his arm to me and I take it, walking with him away from listening ears. Father and I both know that every word spoken between us is listened to and if he is leading away from the others, whatever he wants to say he wants no one else to hear. My mind races trying to think of what he is preparing to say. My mind instantly goes to Jakob and our encounter in the hall. I try to quickly think of an excuse that would be believed as father comes to a stop and turns back toward the dancers, his gaze focused ahead.

"It is kind of your fiancée to dance with your younger sister."

I stand beside him, my eyes also on Broderick and Elisa. "Yes, it is. I know how much she loves parties and dances. I'm sure she is quite pleased that she has a chance to dance along with everyone else. I know how she sometimes feels that she is excluded from things because she is too young to wed so men know there is no chance at a future with her."

"She will be old enough soon; I have already had a couple inquiries after her hand." Father's voice had taken a wistful turn as he pauses for a moment and watches Elisa glide along the floor in Broderick's arms. "And how are you finding your fiancée? I noticed you sharing more than once dance and you appeared to be enjoying yourself."

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