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I feel as though I cannot breathe. It is not terror that restricts my breath or a corset that has been tightened too far, but it is eager anticipation that steals my breath. Elisa walks beside me as we make our way to the chapel in the east wing and I wonder if she can feel the excitement that I feel buzzing around inside of me. Elisa spoke to some and arranged various lawn games be set up and desserts be offered on the south lawn so as to help shroud our wedding in secrecy. All of those who would linger about the halls are now found outside, their attention diverted by their own enjoyments. 

I walk steadily down the halls, finding calm in the steady beat of our steps, resisting the urge that is filling me to run to the chapel where I know Broderick is waiting for me. He sent one of his servants with a note when he arrived at the chapel so I would know he was waiting and it was time to leave my chambers. I look to where Elisa walks beside me and once again I see a young woman rather than a child, she wears the yellow gown she had made for Valeous' wedding and I am glad to see some joy back in her eyes. I am thankful that I told her and that she is here with me now and will witness as we start our life together. When I told Broderick, he was happy with my decision to include her. I worried he would be unhappy that none of his family would be in attendance, but he assured me he did not wish to wait.

We reach the doors of the chapel and Elisa grabs my arm and makes me pause. She tugs so I turn to face her. She reaches up, moving the few stray hairs that have found release from the pins that hold it from my face to let it tumble in curls down my back. She also adjusts the pearl and diamond tiara that rests upon my head. Elisa insisted was a necessary accessory as it is the same one our mother wore when she wed our father. She looks down at the dress before her eyes come back to mine. "You look perfect."

I reach for her hand and clasp it in mine. "Thank you for being here." We stand for a moment, just a brief pause of the two of us together.

She steps before me, pulls open the door and then steps back so that I may walk inside to meet my waiting groom. There is no music to herald my arrival, no crowd that stands to their feet as I enter, no grand announcement of any kind, but I do not miss it as it step foot into the small sanctuary. The chapel is lit with candles, the flickering light dancing across the lace of my dress. The fading rays of sunlight dance through the stained glass window that stands behind the minister and Broderick as they stand waiting. Broderick is once again wearing his long black doublet with its silver detail and the bit of light is playing off of his fair hair. I let my mind think back to the first time I saw him wear it at the engagement party and I am amazed at how much has changed between us in such a short time. My eyes find his and I once again feel I cannot breathe. His eyes are focused on me and the love he feels for me shows clearly in his eyes.

I feel I am being pulled toward him as I walk the short distance and stop when I reach his side. I pause for a second, wanting to memorize this moment, wanting to etch is so deeply in my memory that no matter how many years may pass, I will always be able to recall this moment with complete clarity. The minister steps forth with our marriage contract, ready for us both to agree and sign our names, legally linking us together. It is a formality, terms agreed to by our fathers but the first evidence of us as husband and wife. Broderick signs first, without hesitation, and I follow his lead, signing my name at its bottom, the first step in joining our lives and hearts together.

The minister takes a step back, giving us a small space of privacy in which to say our vows. He has the words should we need his aid, but I do not fear faltering. I know these words are they are now engraved on my heart. I turn back to Broderick and he clasps both of my hands in his. His voice is confident and assured, his eyes never waver from mine showing the truth in every word as he speaks. "I, Broderick, take this woman to be my lawfully wedded wife from this day forward." He squeezes my hands as he continues. "I vow to you my deepest love, my sincerest devotion and my earnest care. I vow to you my heart, my soul and my life. No matter what may lie before us, I vow to remain to you your loving and faithful husband for all of my days until we are parted by death."

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