Chapter 8: One step closer to the wedding

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Hi, guys! Sorry for the wait. I had a lot in my mind lately. Whenever I wanted to update, something happened and I couldn't. Anyway, the chapter is up now! Enjoy reading! :)

Owen's suit on the side.

Evelyn's POV

It was so cozy and warm here that I didn't want to get up from the bed. I snuggled a little more towards the warmth and I almost gasped when I realized that the heat was coming from a body and not from the bed. I opened my eyes and I saw that I was practically glued to Alexander. My legs were tangled with his and my hands had managed to sneak around his torso. Let alone my head that was on his chest. I could hear his heartbeat clearly. It was so calming.

What made although a smile to appear on my face was the memory of last night's events. How we ate together, how we saw a movie snuggled together on the sofa. I will always treasure memories like those. Alexander was so calming and gentle yesterday. I don't know what came over me to ask him to sleep in the same bed as me. I was almost sure that he would say no and leave. But he agreed. I only remember him taking off his t-shirt and then I dozed off again. However, it seems that some time in the night I went in Alexander's side and stayed there. I didn't mind at all. I sighed in content as I went closer to him. As I shifted a little, his arms tightened around me. Alexander was sleeping so peacefully. Nobody would believe that this man is the same one who is ruthless and tough in board meetings and business. I placed a soft kiss on his lips and went back sleeping as it was only five thirty in the morning.

Probably an hour and a half later I woke up with the urge to go to the toilet. I tried to sit up, but Alexander pulled me back to the bed wrapping his arms around me securely. I tried a couple of times again only to have the same results. Each time he pulled me back, his grip on me tightened a little more making it almost impossible to get up.

''Alexander.'' I tried calling him.

He just mumbled something and continue sleeping.

''Alexander.'' I tried again a little louder.

But still nothing.

''Alexander.'' I yelled and nudged him a little.

This time he opened his eyes, but his hands had still a tight grip on me.

''What is it?'' he yawned.

''Good morning. I need to go to the bathroom. But you have to loosen your grip.'' I replied.

''Oh, sorry.'' he said as he released me.

''It's fine.'' I said as I hurried to the bathroom.

After I flushed the toilet, I washed my hands and proceeded to do my morning routine. I brushed a little my hair and then I went back in my room. Alexander was gone and although I didn't like it, I just sighed and made my bed. When I was done with it, I went downstairs.

After a while Alexander came in the kitchen. His hair was still wet. He probably took a shower. He was wearing a pair of trousers that stopped at the end of his six-pack and no t-shirt showing perfectly his tanned and muscular body. I almost dropped the plate I was holding. I wanted to jump in his arms and kiss him. I wanted to trace my fingers on his abs and explore his body. I wanted and needed him so much. My body ached to be held by him. My train of thoughts was interrupted by Alexander.

''Evelyn.'' he called.

His voice was huskier and seemed to be strained. The call of my name was like a warning. But a warning for what? I didn't do anything to anger or annoy him. I only checked him out. He couldn't have noticed it, could he? I am sure I was careful not to show it.

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