Chapter 9: A day with her

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School started and my updates will be slower. I will try to update every weekend, but sometimes I won't be able to do it. Well, I wanted to thank all the new people that decided to follow me. I really appreciate it. And sorry for any mistakes!! :)

Enjoy the chapter! :) 

Alexander's POV

''Are we done from here?'' I asked Evelyn.

''Yes. We can go to the other store now and after that we can return home.'' Evelyn replied smiling.

''Alright. Let's get it over with.'' I said.

We had just ordered our wedding cake. Evelyn loved vanilla, but I had a sweet tooth for chocolate. So, we ordered one that had both vanilla and chocolate. It had five layers. The first one from the bottom was vanilla, the next chocolate and so on. On the top of the cake there was a small bouquet of white flowers. The rest of layers had a couple of flowers on them.

I was pleased that she was smiling. When I returned home on Thursday I was prepared for the worst. But Evelyn only wanted to inform that she made an appointment with her doctor for a check-up on her pregnancy for this Wednesday and she wanted to know if I wanted to go with her. Of course I agreed. I wanted to be to each one of her appointments and to be with her at every step of her pregnancy. When we finished talking about that subject, I turned to go to my bedroom feeling relieved that she didin't find out about Ashton. However, my relief was short-lived. She called my name and I stopped instantly in my tracks tensed. I turned slowly to her. Her hands were folded under her chest making her breasts go a little up and she had a kind of angry expression on her face. Cute and adorable were the only words that came in my mind when I saw her. But as I spared a glance on her breasts and then on her lips all innocent thoughts vanished from my mind and were replaced with ones that is better not to be said. She was so sexy and hot right then. But I kept my mouth shut. I didn't want to give her more ammunition against me. What I was expecting, however, it wasn't what I got. When I tried to explain, Evelyn stopped me and smiled telling me that she understands although she felt a little angry because I didn't tell her. But she wasn't mad at me. Only when she said that I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding until then. That alone proved me that I didn't know my soon-to-be wife very well. It was something I was determined to change.

''We are here.'' I said as I parked the car near the store.

Evelyn unfastened her seat-belt and got out of the car. She was still wary when I was driving. I was trying to keep the speed under the limit. She was the first woman that didn't like the speed I was driving in. All the other women that I dated were saying that they loved it. That was one of the things that Evelyn had different from them.

''Are you coming, Alexander?'' Evelyn asked pulling me from my thoughts.

''Coming.'' I said.

I got out of the car and locked it. I went to Evelyn and sneaked my hand around her waist possessively pulling her to my side. I didn't miss the small gasp that left her lips neither the blush on her cheeks. We stepped in the store and a woman came to greet us.

''Hello, sir and madam. How may I help you?'' she asked politely.

''We would like to see some dishes for our reception.'' Evelyn replied to her.

''Of course. This way please.'' she said and guided us to a table.

For an hour we sat there and discussed over the menu telling her what we like and don't like. I found out that Evelyn and I have some food that we both liked or disliked. As Evelyn was pregnant we were very careful as of what we ordered. I didn't want any dish to cause her nausea or any other disturbance. The woman, Sophia, was very helpful and patient. She gave some great advice and recommendations. Maybe that was why we finished earlier than I expected. Honestly, I thought that we would spend more than an hour there.

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