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This is it! It's done! Thank you for the support and I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much I enjoyed writing. I hope I'll see you soon for my next story which probably will be up when I finish high school. 


P.S.: Evelyn's dress for the night. 

Evelyn's POV

''Evelyn, my love, are you coming? We're going to be late.'' I heard Alexander.

I looked at myself in the mirror making sure that I looked good. Getting my golden purse I left the room.

''Coming.'' I replied descending the stairs.

''You're stunning as always.'' Alexander said when I stood in front of him.

''You're not bad yourself, too.'' I said as I was openly checking him out.

In a black suit, he was very handsome. I always said that black highlighted his eyes' color. 

''If you don't stop staring me like that, we aren't going to leave this house.'' he said and his voice had dropped a notch.

''You promised me dinner and we are going to have one.'' I replied taking my eyes off him.

It was our second year anniversary and he was taking me out. The two years that had passed were full of happy moments and new things. So many things have happened both good and bad, but I wouldn't change any of it. I had a husband who adored me, a son who was surprising us every day with his doings, a brother who was at my side every moment and friends that had my back. What more could I ask for?

''Are you sure it was a good idea to leave William with Owen and Nadia?'' I asked.

''Yes. He's their favorite godson.'' he replied.

''He's their only godson. But what if something happens?''

''They'll call us. They are capable of taking care of a year and a half years old boy.''

''I know, but what..'' I started, but Alexander put his finger to my lips quieting me.

''Now forget all your worries and let's enjoy this date. It has been too long since the last time we went out, hasn't it?''

He was right. Nadia and Owen can take care of our boy. It has been almost half a year since the last time we went out just the two of us. Whenever we wanted to, something always happened. One time William was sick, the other Alexander was busy, an another my brother came by and other similar things. This was the perfect opportunity to spend some time with my husband. It's our anniversary for crying out loud!

''Alright. Let's go.'' I said.

Putting my hand on my purse I made sure that his present was inside. I hope he likes it. It's a special one.

An hour later we were sitting at one of the most romantic restaurants in Boston having our dinner.

''We should do this again, my love.'' Alexander said.

''Do what?'' I replied.

''This. Going out, having dinner enjoying each other's company. Only the two of us.'' he said squeezing my hand across the table

''You're right. These days it seems that we hardly have time for each other.''

''I know. I'm very busy with the takeover of the company I told you about, but it'll be done in one or two days. Then, I'll have more to spend time with you and our son. In fact, how about we go away next weekend? The three of us.'' 

''That's a great idea. It'll be William's first trip.'' I replied.

''It's settled then. Now I think it's time for your present.''

''You didn't have to get me one. Dinner with you is enough for me.'' 

''I wanted to. Open it.'' he said giving me a black box.

I opened it revealing a necklace with my name written on it. It was gold and my name was covered in small diamonds.

''Thank you. It's so beautiful.'' I said.

''Anything for my lovely wife. Happy anniversary, love.'' he replied.

''Can you help me put it on?'' 


He got up from his seat and came behind me taking the necklace from my hands and putting it on. Before he went back to his seat, he kissed my neck making me shiver with desire.

''Now it's time for yours. It's a special one.'' I said when he sat down.


''Yes. Happy anniversary, darling.'' I said and handed him a small paper bag waiting for him to open it.

''An envelope?''

''Open it and you'll see.''

He opened it and read the papers inside it. I was waiting for his reaction.

''Evelyn, is it true? Am I going to be a father for the second time?'' Alexander asked looking at me and the papers.

''Yes. I'm six weeks pregnant.'' I confirmed.

''This is the best present anyone has given to me. We need to celebrate. I want to kiss you right now.''

Before I could realize what was happening, Alexander had me gotten up and he was kissing in front of all the people in the restaurant. I was so lost in the kiss that I felt there were only the two of us in the room. I guess love can make you feel like that.

I don't regret applying for the secretary place. I don't regret falling in love with my boss and I certainly don't regret falling pregnant with the Greek tycoon's baby. I don't regret anything at all.

My Greek tycoon. My husband. My Alexander.

The End.

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