Darken Rahl

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Finally, I've started writing Broken. It's been a long wait I know and I am terribly sorry buuuuuuutttt (drumroll) it is finally here! And this is the first part. And now to get back to our story; after Cara opens her eyes to see Darken Rahl looking up at her...

"Where's Zedd?!" Cara screamed, breathing hard.

Darken Rahl's cold blue eyes looked into Cara's green indifferently, when he replied, "Your concern for the wizard is touching, but I shall put your tender heart at ease."

Akeela sighed with relief.

"He's alive..." Rahl drawled. "...for now."

"And Akeela?" Cara asked apprehensively.

"What have you done to her?"

'I'm here, Cara,' Akeela wanted to say, but her voice came out no louder than a whisper.

It seemed she had still not gotten over the effects of Dahlia's Agiel. Cara's chest rose and fell rapidly when Darken Rahl remained silent.

"What have you done to her, Rahl?!" Cara demanded. "Don't tell me you've-,"

"I'm here, Cara," Akeela croaked, finally managing to find her voice. "I-I think I'm alright."

Cara snapped her head in Akeela's direction, her eyes widening momentarily in panic when she noticed Akeela's battered form hanging from the dungeon ceiling in chains. Akeela offered her a weak smile, but Cara's face only hardened with restrained fury.

"What do you want with us," Cara whispered, finally turning her attention back to Rahl.

"Isn't it obvious?" Darken Rahl scoffed, smiling smugly at the Mord-Sith. "I want you back on my side."

"Though I must admit," Rahl continued, circling Cara, "you haven't made it easy for me."

Darken Rahl run his right hand along the skin on Cara's back and Akeela shivered in the Mord-Sith's place. She wondered how Cara was able to stand it. Those hands looked so much like David's...

"I may no longer have armies at my command, but fortunately, I knew of your special friendship with Dahlia."

Cara closed her eyes, hurt by the memory of Dahlia's betrayal.

Rahl stopped in front of Cara and smiled. "And I knew she would want you back as much as I did."

Cara smiled bitterly. "My son was never kidnapped, was he?" she realized, the pain evident in her voice.

Akeela stiffened and swallowed.

Rahl will tell her. He'll tell her what I've been afraid to tell her since Dahlia appeared.

Darken Rahl faced Cara with a self-satisfied smirk on his face. "Your son was killed on the day he was born," he dead-panned. "I couldn't have the little bastard growing up to challenge my authority, now could I?"

Cara's head snapped in Akeela's direction and looked for the truth on Akeela's face, her eyes rife with unfallen tears.

Akeela nodded almost imperceptibly and turned her head away, unable to bear the pain she beheld in the Mord-Sith's eyes.

Cara looked up and swallowed as the truth hit her.

Darken Rahl who revelled in torture did not miss the look of pain etched on Cara's face.

"Oh, Cara. Has that made you sad?" he asked, mildly surprised. "You really have gone soft since you started serving the Seeker, haven't you?"

"What about the girl?" Cara whispered in an attempt to change the subject. "What could you possibly need from one as weak as her?"

Broken: A Legend Of The Seeker FanficWhere stories live. Discover now