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I'm baaaack. Sorry for not updating in a while, but I was focusing on my other book Maame Water. It's about this siren and... I digress; you can check it out on my profile!
In the one of the previous parts I realized I typed humerus instead of femur! And it was only when I was writing this part that I realized my mistake!!
Niwaez, even though I have proof-read this chapter, I may still have missed something, so kindly alert me if you've seen something I missed.
Vote, comment and enjoy the storyyyy♥♥♥♥

"Th-three t-times?" Akeela stuttered, her chest rising and falling in sync with her ever-mounting horror.

"What are you saying Cara?" Akeela whispered, loathing the satisfaction she saw on her mentor's face. "They're going to break me three times?"

Cara narrowed her eyes and asked in a wickedly innocent fashion, "Oh what you didn't know? What with your all-knowing Seer powers, I wou-,"

"STOP THAT!" Akeela snapped and promptly succumbed to a coughing fit. The outburst had sent waves of pain throughout her chest just like Cara knew it would, judging by her knowing smirk.

"Careful now, weakling," Cara drawled. "You wouldn't want to puncture a lung now would you? I don't want you dying before I have the satisfaction of ramming my Agiel down your throat."

She's mad, Akeela thought, as the coughs abated. The torture has driven her mad.

But even as she thought this, Akeela knew it was not true. Yes, Cara was mad; but it was not because of their current predicament. It was a known fact that anyone who had ever been tortured by the Agiel, the Seeker included, had a bit of madness in them and Cara was no exception. In fact, during the times Akeela had been behind her laptop watching The Legend of The Seeker, this madness had been Cara's most endearing quality. It was Cara's madness that made her fearless; it was her madness that made her ruthless and it was because of this madness that Richard's enemies always balked at the sight of Cara's red leather.

Akeela had always thought the Mord-Sith were feared throughout the Midlands and D'hara beyond because of their ability to control magic and the power of their Agiels but now as Akeela looked into Cara's piercing blue and saw the madness dancing behind them, she knew she had been terribly mistaken.

The Mord-Sith were feared because they were mad.

And it chilled Akeela to the bone that her mentor was probably madder than most.

Akeela breathed deeply, spit and blood running down her chin, in attempt to calm herself down.

"I c-can't go through this two more times," Akeela croaked, her throat raw from coughing. "I'll die."

"Oh you'll want to," Cara chuckled. "But, fortunately, Raina is almost as skilled as I am. She'll keep you alive."

Akeela was almost relieved to hear that she would not die, but the tone of Cara's voice suggested that being kept alive was not a good thing.

Akeela glanced up at her chains, hoping futily that Cara was lying to her, trying to get Akeela back for turning her back on Richard, but the glee in Cara's voice told her otherwise.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Akeela asked.

"The same reason you did not tell me about my son," Cara replied.

Akeela shifted her gaze from the ceiling to Cara beaten body.

"I'm sorry," she said, unable to hide the guilt that laced her voice. "I t-tried to warn you. I tried t-to tell you, b-but I just couldn't. I didn't want to hurt you."

Broken: A Legend Of The Seeker FanficWhere stories live. Discover now