Another Old friend....?

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???: Yes. I'm here to see Rachel Kougami. Yes, mhmm. Thank you!

I hear rushing footsteps coming down the hall of the hospital....who's footsteps are those?

The person who I see turn around the corner....Is the face of a man...I don't recognize...


???: Rachel!!! Oh my gosh! I'm so glad you're safe! Thank god...

I'm looking at the man who is currently in front of my hospital bed.

Rachel: Um...who are you?

I look at him waiting for an answer.

Yamato: I'm Yamato....uh. Yamato....Kido.....

'Yamato....? Huh?'

Nurse: That's right Rachel. This man is one of your close friends! He's been coming here to visit you every single day!

'I don't remember him....? Maybe it's just because of my condition...the doctor did say that I might have a slight case of amnesia...'

So I decide to go with it.

Rachel: Oh! Yamato! Of course!! I'm sorry, I'm still kind of hazy....

I give him an awkward smile and he hugs me.

Yamato: I'm so glad you woke up.

I slowly hug him back and see another person enter my hospital room.

???: I'm Sorry! I tried to get here as fast as I....could....

I look over toward the voice and see a very familiar face.

Rachel: Riki!!

I widen my eyes and smile at him as I pull away from Yamato.

Riki: Rachel. I'm so glad you're awake! We were all so worried...

Riki walks on the opposite side of my bed that Yamato is standing at.

Rachel: Haha. Yeah! I'm ok. Thanks.

I smile a close eyed smile and open my eyes to see Riki on the verge of crying.

Rachel: A-are you crying?! No! Don't cry!

Riki wipes his eyes with his hands and laughs a little.

Riki: I thought you said hospitals weren't your thing.

Riki smiles a gentle smile and sits down in a chair next to my bed.

Rachel: Haha. They aren't. But...I guess sometimes you can't help it.

I laugh light heartedly and so does Riki.

Riki: least you seem to be ok.

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