My old friends are now my new

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Me and Haruki walk for about 10-15 minutes when we come upon a cafe called black ship.

Rachel: is this it?

I look over to Haru who's standing beside me.

Haruki: yep! This is it.

Haru says as he steps forward and opens up the door.

Rachel: oh! Thank you...

I walk inside to see an old retro themed cafe.

???: welco-oh! Haru!

A man who look to be about in his early 30's says as we walk through the door.

???: who's this chick?

A boy with brownish orangish hair spoke up very rudely I might add.

Rachel: (chick?! That's rude)

???: so! You finally cracked and got a girlfriend huh Haru?

A boy with dirty blonde hair says with a smile on his face.

Rachel:*blushes* I-I'm Rachel Kougami! It's nice to meet you!

???: Rachel....that sounds familiar....

A boy with grayish colored hair says as he seems to be deep in thought. But his thoughts were interrupted by the bell ringing to the cafe.

???: hey guys...sorry I'm la- (GASPS) OH. MY. GOSH!!! You're Rachel Kougami aren't you?!?!?

A boy about my age with blonde hair walks into the cafe and starts yelling.

Rachel: uh...yeah! I am! *smiles*

???: AHHHHH! Oh my goodness! I can't believe it! Can I have your autograph?!

He says and starts rummages through his bag and pulls out a piece paper and a pen.

Rachel: yeah! Sure! What's your name?

???: I'm Rihito Hatsune!

I wrote my signature then start writing his name when it clicked.

Rachel: (gasps) wait. Richy?!

Rihito: Guys! Did you talk to her already?!

Rachel: n-no! It's me! Rachel...your childhood friend...?

Rihito: wait...Rach?! Y-you're little tiny Rachel?!

Rachel: yes! Yes! That's me!

I say then hug him.

???: wait Rihito! You know her?!

The guy with the grayish hair asks.

Rihito: yeah! Don't you remember her?! Takeshi?!

Rachel: wait?! Takeshi?! As in reading nothing but comics Takeshi?!

Takeshi: ...Little duck...?

Rachel: (yep! That's definitely Takeshi...he always called me little duck...) yeah! That's me!

As we're all having a reunion over here...

???: wait guys! How do you know her?!

???: yeah! I'm soooo lost right now!

Haruki: (sighs) Rachel...this is Ryuzo and Ichigo...

Rachel: Ryu...and...Ichy?!

Ichigo: w-wha-who gave you permission to call me that stupid name?!

Rachel: haha! Sorry...I can't believe all grew up so much...

Ryuzo: I'm still confused as to who you are...

Rachel: Really ._.

Rihito: Ryuzo! This is the girl we would always hang out with when we were younger!

Ryuzo: hmmm....nope! Not ringing a bell...

Rachel: (sighs) maybe this will help...

I say as I pull my hair up into two pig tails because when I was younger that's all my mom would do to my hair.

Ryuzo: oh! Now I remember! The girl who was always really clumsy!

Rachel: (THAT'S HOW HE REMEMBERS ME?!) uh...yeah...right. Heh heh...

Ichigo: so how long are you here for?

Rachel: actually...I just moved back! And I don't think we're going to move again!

Everyone: WHAT?! REALLY?

Rachel: haha! Yeah!

Haruki: it'll be just like old times!

Takeshi: yeah

Rihito: yaaaay! Rachel's staying!!!

Rihito says as he jumps at me and hugs me VERY rightly I might add...

Rachel: can't. Breathe...!

Rihito: oh! Sorry!

He lets go and I fix my uniform.

Ichigo: wait...that's that's the same uniform at my school...does that mean you go to east wood?

Rachel: yep!

I smile towards ichigo and he starts...blushing...? But I decide to not mention it...


We were talking and having fun when *BUUUUZZZZ* *BUUUZZZ*

Rachel: sorry...heh heh...

I got a text and read it really confused.

Text message: Rachel Kougami, we're coming to get you tonight. Be ready.

~Black Foxes

Rachel: (what...? Oh's probably just a funny prank people do! I mean it might be just a fan! Right...?)


but little did she know what was coming next...


Hi! Guys!!! Thanks soooo much for reading!!! I hope you liked it! (and I'm writing it in script because I'm too lazy to do it the other way ._. )


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