Chapter Twenty-Two

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A/N: WOOOOAAAAHHHH two chapters in one day? I have no life X) But that's just how Rachel rolls. Y'all.

Chapter Twenty-Two:

Flower opened her eyes sleepily. "Amur? Why are you-"

"No time to explain," Amur inturrupted her. "Gather up your bed." He went to pick up his own.

"What? Why?"

He slung his bed over his shoulders and onto his back. "Because it isn't safe here anymore. We're leaving."


"Does it have to be tonight?" Flower had to shout to be heard over the pounding rain.

"Yush," Amur's answer was muffled from carrying Flower in his jaws.

"Why?" And I thought you hated carrying me like this."

Amur rolled his eyes. "Shingsh'll ger a rot frashter of ou yush yep wiak."


He put her down. "I said things'll go a lot faster if you just kept quiet." He scooped her back up in his mouth.

"Could you at least slow down a bit?" Flower asked.

Amur growled.

"Alright," Flower piped down.


Amur stopped. The two had come across a deep ravine. Amur put Flower down and shook the bed off of his back, then carefully stepped onto a rock overhanging above the edge. Flower watched his amber eyes flick from edge to edge, studying something.

He looked at her. "Drop the bed."


"It's too heavy."

"Then why'd you bring them along, anyway?"

Amur looked crestfallen. "Because that's the comfiest bed I've ever made." He leaned down to pick her up. "Close your eyes and don't open them until I say so, no matter what."


"Just do it!"

"But why?"

"Because I said so!"

Flower scowled.

Amur sighed, then got an idea. "It's a surprise!"

Flower gasped. "Ooh! I love surprises! I just love them so much!"

"Well that's great," Amur rolled his eyes unentusiastically. "Now close your eyes."

Flower nodded and obeyed. Amur picked her up in his mouth and backed up for a running start.

"Wait a minute," Came Flower's voice. "Amur, you aren't going to-"

"Heep yer oysh cersed!" Amur told her through her scruff.

He ran as fast and hard as he could until he reached the edge. With all his might, his pushed from his haunches, and was airborne...


Please Atrista! Let me make it!

He jumped into the air, the bottem of the ravine many feet below him - enough to kill someone, should they miss. Flower was screaming, and Amur scowled.

I told you to keep your-

he stopped in mid-thought. They weren't going to make it! They were headed for the rock right below the top of the edge! Amur hit the wall hard, and felt pain in his torso. But he didn't care. All that mattered to him at the moment was the little cub in his jaws.

His claws scrambled frantically on the rocks, trying to find a place for Amur to pull himself up from. Amur tossed Flower to the safety of solid land and the top, and she landed on her behind with a tiny squeak. She quickly got up and scampered back to the cliffside.

"Don't worry, Amur!" She peered down at him, trying to hide her fear. "I'll get you!"

She grabbed onto one of his ears and attempted to lift him to safety.

"No, Flower," He shook her away. "You run! Be aware of border markings and stay away from adult males! A tigress with cubs might take you in!"

"What about you?"

"You're better off with someone else!" He looked deep into her frightened eyes sadly. "Just let me fall," His voice calmed, as if he didn't fear the certain dweath that awaited him far below.

"But you'll die!" Flower protested. Her face twisted with determination. "I'm not leaving you!"

She stepped closer to the edge and peered down.

"Okay, um, move your foot up," She instructed. "No, your other foot. Higher, higher, little bit lower, there!"

Amur's hind foot caught a foothold. "Thank you!"

Flower smiled brightly. "Okay now, the other foot goes a bit higher, and then my right."

"Thank you!" Amur pushed himself up with his hind legs, and crawled up the rock - which was now bathed with claw marks.

Flower stepped back. "Are you- your chest! There's blood on it!"

Amur looked down to see several scarlet streaks on his white chest.

He licked it away. "Don't worry. It's not much. I must've scratched myself on the roots roots sticking out, or the rock."

Flower kept staring up at him.

He knelt down. "I'm fine, Flower. Honestly. C'mon," He leaned towards her to pick her up. "Let's go find a new place to live."

She nodded.

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