Chapter Twenty-Four

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A/N: If you haven't seen the message already, I'm only going to upload this book on Fridays now. Enjoy!


Chapter Twenty-Four

Without opening his eyes, Amur breathed in a sweet scent. No, it can't be. It's just the wet grass outside, or something.

"It isn't."

Amur's eyes flashed open. In front of his face were two big paws with white toes. "Oh, great Caeclum," He breathed.

A giggle sounded. "You act as if it's the moon in front of you instead of me!"

Amur smiled. "The moon cannot compare." He felt a soft tongue rasp around his ear.

"I've missed you, you know."

He reached over and touched one of the paws. "I've missed you too." He slowly looked up past the long, swirly-striped legs, fluffy white chest and small slender shoulders, and then into emerald eyes.

"Flower speaks of you often," He murmured. The eyes twinkled as he continued, "She reminds me so much of you."

The tigress blinked. "I miss my little Akayal," Her face became slightly sad. "I know you're taking care of her - I just wish that I was helping you."

Amur sighed and got to his feet, on which he was about a head taller than the tigress. "I promise you, my heart, I will get revenge on Searn for what he did. I think of you every day, Atrista."

She laughed and looked down at her feet. The thin cartilage of her ears was reddening.

"Akayal shares that trait with you," Amur observed. "Our wonderful cub..."

"Speaking of cubs..."

Amur gasped. "They're here?"

Atrista nodded as a rustling noise came. Her ears twitched. "Amur," She beamed. "Would you like to meet your cubs?"

Amur's reply was caught in his throat, so all he could do was nod.

Atrista's long tail flicked around excitedly. "Fillius, Nata," She called. "There's someone I want you to meet."

Amur turned his head and nearly fainted. There were two cubs; a male and a little female. They hurried over to Atrista.

"This is Amur, your father."

They looked at Amur with curious blue eyes - Nata's were a pale baby blue, and Fillius' were hard, like ice. Nata hid behind her brother, who was standing bravely with his feet apart.

"Father?" Fillius asked.

Amur nodded. He sounded just like Axel had. Fillius' eyes widened and he collapsed into Amur's thick fur.

"Father!" He wailed. Amur pulled him closer and breathed in the milky smell.

Nata stepped closer. "F-Father?" She asked cautiously.

Amur nodded, and she gasped. "Daddy!" She ran to him and buried herself in her father. Atrista came down beside them.

"They've wanted to meet you for a long time," She whispered in his ear. "Fillius is just like you, and Nata wouldn't be able to sleep away from you."

Amur nodded, not letting go of the cubs. "And Flower would talk everyone's ears off, but we'd love her anyway."

Fillius pulled away for a moment. "Where is Flower?" He asked with a tilted head.

"Yeah," Nata agreed. "Didn't she come with you?"

"We were gonna play hunt the day I woke up sick," Fillius scowled. "It was her turn to be the deer."

"Um, cubs," Atrista hesitated. "Gykas, Flower isn't here."

The dismayed cubs looked up at her, then back at Amur. They were quiet for a moment.

"Is she happy, at least?" Fillius broke the silence.

Amur nodded. Suddenly remembering something, he looked at Atrista. "What about Axel and Cassia? Where are they?"

Atrista's big jade eyes grew worried. "Cassia's spirit is still too immature. As her childhood friend, Axel is teaching her the ways of Caeclum. I'm still not mature enough to be too far away from Fillius and Nata." She turned to the cubs. "Children, can I please have a private word with your father?"

Fillius hesitated a minute before nodding. With a suddenly darkened face and grim eyes, he added, "Not long."


When they left, Atrista took a deep breath. "Amur, you must prepare yourself. Flower too. A storm is coming, with gleaming lightning!"

"What? Gleaming lightning? I-" He was cut off when a strong wind began to blow.

"No!" He cried! He was waking up! "Please! Not now!"

Atrista watched dejectedly as the wind began to blow her away as it would sand. "Prepare yourself," She managed to smile weakly. "I love you, Amur."

"Wait! Please don't leave me!" Amur called. "Atrista!"

But she was gone.

"NO!" Amur screamed at the top of his lungs. "ATRISTA!"

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