Chapter Twenty-Three

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A/N: This chapter is kinda boring - sorry 'bout that. Please comment, it modivates me!

Chapter Twenty-Three:

"Well, it's not much, but it'll do," Amur looked around.

He and Flower were laying down in a giant hollow tree. At least the top hadn't rotted away yet. Flower was nestled upon his foreleg.

"How long do you think we'll have to stay here?" She looked up at him.

"I'm not sure." That was a lie. Amur did have an idea, but it wouldn't be to Flower's liking. Flower snuggled deeper into him.

"I hope it isn't long. I kinda miss Atha and Kysta. Oh, and Bey, Nahoko, Flicker, and Lysla.

Amur's eyes widened. He'd completely forgotten about them! Without him there, all Searn had to do was find out where they were and-

"Do you think about my mother much?"

Amur blinked. "Honestly, every day. We were very good friends as cubs."

"Really? What was she like when she was my age?"

Amur smiled down at her. "She was smart - much smarter than I, she could make even the crabbiest of tigers break into a smile, she was rebellious-" He stopped. "In other words, she was a lot like you."

Flower smiled back. "What about you? What were you like?"

Amur looked thoughtful for a minute. "I guess a lot different than I am now."

"How so?"

"Well," He shifted around. "I was more cheerful, more optimistic..." His voice trailed off, and his eyes became vacant. "A little bit like you."

"Oh," She snuggled deeper into his warm fur. "Why aren't you like that anymore?"

"What Searn did... it changed me. Up until I was leaving to find my own territory, and even now, everyone thought that I should put the past behind me. Believe me, I've tried. But I'll never be able to, just as you'll never forget Fillius."

Flower gazed up at him with tired eyes. "My mother told me that when someone dies, they go to a better place. I think she said it's called Cleum?"

"Caeclum," Amur corrected her gently - or at least as gentle as Amur could be. "But that's just the traditional name. Most tigers just call it Kismet or Nirvana. I prefer to maintain the tradition."

"What's it look like?"

"I don't know, I haven't died. No more questions, I want you to go to sleep before you get any drowsier."

Flower nodded and her jaws stretched in a big yawn before she curled into a ball. "Goodnight, Amur."

Amur was taken aback. "That's it?" He asked in disbelief. "No protesting? No 'just a few more minutes'? Flower, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, just tired. You've done so much for me, the least I can do is spare you a night of aggrivation."

When did you start growing up?

Amur licked the top of her head. "Goodnight, Flower." He rested his head on his paws and shut his eyes.

"Sweet dreams."

"Uh, sweet dreams."

"See you in the morning."


"Have an amazing sleep."

Amur bolted upright. "Flower!"

The cub grinned slyly up at him. "It doesn't count as aggrivation if it's funny."

"Right. Hysterical," Amur muttered and laid back down. Maybe some things never change.

He felt Flower crawl under his paw so that it was resting over her like a furry blanket.

But in some cases, I'm thankful for that.

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