Dream girl on my mind...

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I wrote this on holiday and I was bored out of my brain. Sorry if its bad :)

"Are you sure you want me to go?" Liam said looking into your eyes. You could feel tears brimming. He was standing in the doorway of a white room holding a suite case. He was wearing his black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt and his white high tops.

"You need to go. It's not as tho you can't?" You say. Liam looked down to the floor. He wasn't smiling.

"I'm going to miss you. This will be the first tour I've left you for.." He said looking back up with a sort of school boy expression like *why not?* on his face.

"I know and I will miss you too. But your going for a month and.. A month is a long time..-" before you could say anymore the familiar voice sounded again.

"Exactly. I don't think I can leave you for that long. Come with me!" Liam said with a pleading look on his face.

"No. Management says-" you were cut of again.

"I don't care what management thinks. You're coming with me or I'm not going at all." He shouted. he dropped his suite case and slowly started collapsing to the floor. You started to walk over to Liam. But something was stopping you. You couldn't move. Why. Something was fiscally not letting you move.

"Liam. I can't move?" You said. The boy who was strewn on the floor looked up and your eyes fixed. Like they were meant to look into each over forever. Suddenly you saw his hands turn into gold light partials and float away slowly. The rest of his arm seemed to do the same. It was like he was disintegrating. You saw his face drop down to his hand which was no longer there.

"No.. Rachael don't go!" Liam beckoned raising what ever was left of his arm to you.

You looked at your arms. No. They were doing the same. They were just floating away. Yet you felt nothing. No don't let this happen. You couldn't move or do anything about it.

"Liam.." You looked back up and all that was left was the suit case he had once carried. Then everything went black. Black as black. But as light as light.

You opened your eyes.

You were in your bedroom. Yep. The walls that were covered with posters of the boy that had vanished from in front of you and his companions in his band. Your beautiful one direction.

"Another. Pissing. Dream." You said disappointed. You had been having the same recurring dream for weeks it was scaring you. But on the bright side. You got to see the boy of your dreams every night. You looked at your clock. 9:00 am. Good thank god it was the summer holiday. Other wise you'd be freaking if it was a work day. You work in the local tapas bar. Which was good cuz you spoke fluent Spanish. You slowly got out of bed and made your way to your wardrobe and opened it.

"What to wear today. Meeting the girls. Erm" you spoke to yourself scanning your clothes with your eyes. You picked out some skinny jeans and a hoodie. You put them on your bed and made your way toward the door and opened it. You headed toward the bathroom. You got a shower and got changed into the outfit you had picked out.

You needed to be at Amelia's by ten and it was half past nine by now. She only lives round the corner so you basically have half an hour any way. Breakfast.

Liam's P.O.V-

"No!" You found yourself screaming when you woke up. What? You had had the same dream again. It keeps on happening you've been having the same dream for weeks.

"Liam are you ok?!" You heard a voice run into your room.

You sat up and saw it was Harry with his boxers on. Or as he calls the pyjamas..:/

"Same dream again Liam?" You heard a different voice make its way into your room. It was Niall.

"Yeah. The one with the girl.." You nodded to Niall. You sort of felt awkward saying it in front of Harry cuz Niall was the only one who knew about it.

"Ooh. What girl? Tell!" Harry said sitting down on the bed you still lay in.

"Well. there's a white room and I'm standing in the door way. There's a beautiful girl in the middle. Blue dress and converses and her hair is dark brown and straight. Just beautiful. But I say to her ' are you sure you want me to go?' And she answered back 'You need to go. It's not as tho you can't?' And I start to look at the floor then I say 'I'm going to miss you. This will be the first tour I've left you for..' And I look up at her a she says 'I know and I will miss you too. But your going for a month and.. A month is a long time..-' then I cut her off and say 'Exactly. I don't think I can leave you for that long. Come with me!' And she says 'No. Management says-' and I cut her off again. 'I don't care what management thinks. You're coming with me or I'm not going at all.' And I then collapse cuz I can't handle it anymore. But she suddenly says 'Liam. I can't move?' But then I can feel a tingle in my hand so I look at it and its not there. All i can see is up to my elbow and my body is floating away in small gold specks.. I look back at the girl and her body is doing the same I can't help but scream 'No.. Rachael don't go!' I presume Rachael's her name.. But all I hear is her say "Liam?' And she gone. Everything goes black as black. And I wake up here. In my room.. It must mean something cuz it's been going on since three weeks ago.." You look up at Harry who is vacant in his expression.

"Woah..sounds like one heck of a dream.." Harry finally spoke after a couple of moments of silence.

"I don't know what to do about it. It's a beautiful dream up until she goes.." You say looking down to he floor.

"Come on guys get dressed ..!" Louis suddenly entered a room with a excited face. He's face dropped when his saw you. "What's wrong?" He asked you walking over to you. He sat next to you on the bed and put a hand on your back.

"Just a weird dream.." Niall answered for you. You were actually quite intimidated by that answer. Yeah he was right but it was dream and that's the problem it's a dream and always will be. You wanted it to be reality so you could meet this girl. You longed for a name of source. She was British you knew that. So it wont be like she lives in Pakistan and you are forbidden to see her. At least you know you can find her no matter how long it takes.

"Oh I see.." Louis hand started to rub your back. It sent a burst of warmth threw your body. "Do you want to talk about it..?" He added.

"Yeah if you want to know?" I replied he stopped rubbing your back.

"Of corse I want to know your our daddy directioner." Louis answered. He nudged you hoping for a laugh but you gave him a smile instead.

You told him all about your dream and he listened though-rally. When you had finished he started to rub your back again and he sighed.

"Sounds like one hell of dream.." He finally managed to say.

"One hell of girl.." You added. She was beautiful and you longed to know who she was. As far as you were concerned you wouldn't give up.

Suddenly Zayn entered the room. "Woah.. Someone died?" He said you then realised the everyone was all silent and did sort of feel like funeral atmosphere. Apart from the fact that Harry was sitting on the end of your bed wearing nothing but boxers.. But besides that you know. Louis could drop dead and the situation would be perfect as a cover story.

"No Liam's dealing with a dream girl.." Harry said looking up at Zayn.

Louis sighed and shook his head. "Liam has been having the same recurring dream for about three weeks?" You nodded and he proceeded. "And it's a bout this girl and he doesn't want to leave her for tour and then he gets all fidgety and well.. She suddenly starts disappearing in gold pieces and so dose he. Then it all goes black." He stopped and so you added.

"Then I wake up." You were both looking up at Zayn who was deep in thought.

"We'll... Some dream eh?" He said looking at each of the boys faces. "We'll I have an idea. Lets all get dressed and go shopping as planned and well think about your phopah over lunch. How dose that sound?" You nodded you head and got up. All the other boys walked out and left you alone in your room again.

You took a shower. Constantly thinking about the mysterious dream girl. And you got dressed still thinking about her. You managed to go downstairs to go shopping were all the other boys sat waiting for you.

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