Chapter 3

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The journey to Rivendell was fine. Nothing happened really, I just had to carry some supplies and keep watch at night from time to time. I mostly kept to myself, thinking about my parents and Haldir. I'm sure they are fine, it's just that I really miss them already.

When the elves and I made it to Imladris we had a feast. Elrond sat in a great chair at the end of a really long table. Gandalf the Wizard and Glorfindel sat on either side of Elrond. In the middle of the table sat an elf who I knew was called Arwen. She stayed in Lothlorein for years, until she moved to Imladris to stay with her father Elrond.

There were elves, dwarves and four hobbits as well. I heard of hobbits but I never seen them in real life. It is said that hobbits are shy of Big People. I wonder what hobbits were doing here? No one really talked to me during the feast. While I was eating I noticed someone was missing who should be here. The Dunedain...

When the feast was over I decided to wander around Rivendell a bit. It is so beautiful and peaceful here. I walked across a little, narrow bridge and saw a tall dark figure. He was alone watching a small stream, deep in thought. I knew who he was.

"Aiya Dunedain.", I say to him.

He looked around and saw me. I walked up to him and smiled.

"Amber!" he exclaims in total surprise, "It's good to see you again! What are you doing here?"

I've meet the Dunedain, also called Aragorn, a few times. He is a ranger so therefore he travels around different places in Middle Earth a lot. I would say we are friends.

"Well" I say, "Galadriel choose me to represent her for the Council of Elrond tomorrow."

"Really?", he asks.

"I know, it is strange. I have no idea why she choose me.", I confess.

"You will soon find out why." he says, "I am sure Galadriel will tell you."

"Maybe", I say unsure. "Why were you not at the feast Aragorn? Lady Arwen was there."

Everyone knows Aragorn and Arwen are in love with each other, but Elrond dosen't approve.

"You are not the first one to ask me that tonight Amber." he says solemnly.

I knew I should change the subject.

"Why are there hobbits in Rivendell?", I ask him instead.

"Well, you know Bilbo Baggins and how he found the Ring of Power, right?"

I nod my head and he continues.

"The ring has very evil powers. Poor Bilbo was beginning to feel the affects of the ring after sixty years. He decided he needed to go on a holiday, a very long one. He came to Rivendell and left his ring to his adopted nephew Frodo Baggins, back at Bag End."

"Frodo set out from the Shire with his friends Sam, Merry and Pippin to come to Bree to meet Gandalf. Gandalf asked me to keep an eye on Frodo when he arrived in Bree. I knew Gandalf wasen't there. Something happened to him. So I lead the four hobbits into the Wild to head here for Rivendell. We were... delayed, but we made it."

"That is crazy. You are not going to tell me what delayed you and the hobbits though, are you?", I ask.

"You will find out at the council.", he answers.

"Le cenithon ned lu thent.", I say.
(See you later)

"Na ded pedim ad.", he replies.
(Until next we speak)

I turn and walk away. In my bedroom I head out to the balcony. Looking up at the stars, I wonder about tomorrow and what The Council will bring.


Aiya: Hello

Le cenithon ned le thent: See you later

Na ded pedim ad: Until we speak again

~Talia Spirit

Lothlorien Elf in the Fellowship (Lord of the Rings Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now