Chapter 6

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The day came when the Fellowship had to leave. All of us had to meet where the Council took place. When I arrived Lord Elrond, Arwen, Gandalf and Aragorn were already there. A few minutes later Legolas came, followed by Gimli, then Boromir. The hobbits were the last to arrive.

''Here you must leave and start the task to which you were appointed to.'', Arwen declares.

''Danger now lies ahead of you.'' Elrond starts, ''If you stay together the Fellowship of the Ring is strong but also vulnerable. I warn you, don't take the road through Moria. Some of the tales are true, I fear.''

''Galu Fellowship! '' Arwen finishes, ''All of you are now Middle Earth's only hope against the power of the Ring. You must go now.''
(Good luck)

''Navaer. Hold to your purpose. May the blessings of Elves, Men and all free folk go with you.'', Elrond says.

''Follow me.", Gandalf says and we all do.

We walk away from where Council took place. It seems like ages ago Haldir told me that I had to attend the Council of Elrond. In the distance elves are waving and singing songs of travel and goodbye. I see Lord Elrond and Arwen standing and watching us. Catching a glance to Aragorn, I notice the sadness in his eyes.

''Aragorn'' I whisper to him, '' You choose the path to help aid the Ring Bearer on his quest to destroy the One Ring in Mount Doom. Now you must do so.''

''I know Amber.'' he sighs, ''This is the last time Arwen and I will see each other. Soon she has to go to the Grey Havens with her kin. Arwen must sail the seas to be safe.''

It is then that I notice a small silver glow coming from Aragorn's chest. It's a pendent, the evenstar which belonged to Arwen. She must have gave it to him last night. I tuck the evenstar under Aragorn's shirt.

''Have estel (hope) Dunadan.'' I say to him, ''I know you and Arwen will see each other in the end, however the end turns out. Until then you are part of the Fellowship and must focus on that. No harm will come to Arwen Evenstar right now.''

''I just wish I could believe that.'' , Aragorn says staring to the ground.

''It's true and you will see.'', I respond.

After a couple of more minutes, we reach a bridge. We have to cross it to get out of Rivendell and into the Wilderness.

''We now must leave Rivendell and start the quest that will decide Middle Earth's fate in the end.'', Gandalf announces.

We cross the bridge in dead silence, each in their own thoughts. This is what Galadriel chose me to do, leave everything and save Lothlorien and Middle Earth. Now to start the beginning of the journey. As Bilbo Baggin's has said before,

"The road goes ever on."


Galu: Good luck

Navear: Farewell

Estel: Hope

~Talia Spirit

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