5. For Sale

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Chapter five


"That was unnecessary," he grumbled from the passenger side of the truck, glaring at me. He'd been pouting the entire ride and never missed an opportunity to milk his injury.

"Aw, poor baby," I crooned sarcastically, taking a left turn into a shabby looking neighborhood. "Are you sure this is the right place? We're going to look stupid 'searching for homes' back here."

"It's the address he gave me. There it is right there," he pointed at a small white house on the corner. It had a 'for sale' sign sitting proudly in the middle of the unkempt lawn. A woman that looked about our age was standing on the porch with a big smile plastered onto her face. I pulled onto the side of the street in front of the house and took the key out of the ignition.

"I really hope this anonymous tip is accurate," I muttered as I slipped out of the truck. Before we were even halfway up the driveway, the real estate lady was approaching us with a grin rivaling the Cheshire Cat. Her blonde hair seemed to be flying behind her with the speed in which she walked.

"Well hello there! I hear you're interested in buying a house?" Her over-enthusiasm indicated that she rarely got any business, and judging by the poor quality of her houses, I could see why.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jacob Moretti. Yes, we are searching for a new home," Dante answered, offering his hand and sending her a panty dropping grin. She giggled like a school girl, a shrill cackling sound, and placed her hand in his. I had to resist rolling my eyes and scoffing at her attempt to flirt.

"Oh no the pleasure is all mine," she didn't even bother to hide her predatory gaze as it trailed up and down his body slowly. Her hand was still in his, and she hadn't even looked in my direction.

I couldn't blame her, though. In his cargo shorts and tight black T-shirt, he looked good enough to eat. His thick hair was tousled in a way that wasn't messy or neat, and his staggering height simply added to his appeal.

Of course you'd think so.

I cleared my throat expectantly, alerting her of my presence. Her eyes flashed in annoyance and she removed her hand from his. "Is this your daughter?" She asked him hopefully, not even bothering to acknowledge me.

My eyebrow nearly shot off of my face. She knew damn well I wasn't his daughter, despite my height, I knew I had the shape of a grown woman. It was something I'd hated about myself all through middle and high school when all of the other girls would glare at me for getting so much male attention that I didn't even want. Guys would stare and make rude comments about my ass and breasts, and gym class was a nightmare.

"Nope, he's my husband," I cut in with a fake smile, satisfied with the frown that appeared on her face. "And you are?"

Dante snickered and masked it with a cough. "My apologies, you just look so immature with your cute little maxi dress and elsa braid you have," she commented snidely. Bitch.

"Oh that just makes it easier for him to pull on," I answered with the most innocent smile I could muster. Dante was clearly having a hard time keeping his composure at the now flustered woman. "Now about this house?"

She narrowed her eyes at me ever so slightly before turning and pointedly saying to Dante, "Well yes, this house is a two bedroom one bathroom. It was built in 1958 and has a very vintage-"

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