10. Sweet Dreams

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Chapter ten


The sunlight blared through the window, heating my face. Without opening my eyes. I groaned softly and rolled over into a hard chest.

My eyes shot open in panic for a split second before I realized that it was just Dante. I usually tried to stay on the opposite end of the bed as far away from him as possible, so it was a shock to have contact with him. His arm was wrapped loosely around my waist, and he was breathing deeply.

I stared up at him and felt a strange feeling in my chest. He looked so peaceful, innocent even, in his sleep. His long eyelashes fanned against his cheeks and his lips were slightly apart. Somehow, even with his hair all over the place, he still managed to look attractive. Angelic.

Last week after we'd left the beach, he followed me into my room and insisted on sleeping with me for my nightmares. So I let him, and he stroked my hair until I fell asleep. This continued every night since then.

As a good boyfriend should.

I shook my head firmly at the thought. Dante was somebody I considered a friend, nothing more. I didn't want anything more.

Do you stare at all of your friends like a lovesick puppy?

I tried to get out of his arms at that notion, but he wasn't having it. He grunted and pulled me tightly against him. I stayed completely still until I heard his breathing become deep before attempting to leave his grasp again.

"Would you stop moving?" He mumbled sleepily with a warning squeeze to my waist. It was at that moment that I felt his reaction to being so close to me. His erection was pressed against my stomach and was most definitely at attention.

I blushed about three shades of red but complied. Two minutes later, he began to lightly snore, so I made one last feeble attempt before I did something I would regret.

Big mistake.

Faster than I could blink, I was pinned underneath him. He stared at me with darkened eyes as he growled, "I made you a promise last week that I would try to control myself and not give in to my urges to fúck you senseless at every given moment. But by you squirming your hot little ass against me, you're making it very difficult to keep that promise," he pressed his erection against my core with just enough force to make me squirm, resulting in a breathy moan from me. "So when I say stop moving, stop fúcking moving."

I stopped moving.

He stared down at me for a few seconds with conflict in his eyes before quickly getting out of the bed and going to my restroom. I let out the breath I'd been holding and groaned at the desire slowly making its way through my body.

It was true, he'd promised me that he wouldn't have sex with me again, but I was beginning to regret it immensely. Sleeping in the same bed as him was hard enough, but with him saying things like that to me, it was beginning to feel impossible not to let him have what he wanted. Which was also what part of myself wanted.

I sighed and dismissed the thought, knowing it was for the best. I couldn't handle anymore emotional attachment and his sex was only going to make me fall in love.

Getting out of bed, I glanced at the clock and gasped loudly.

Dante burst out of the restroom and looked around frantically, "What? What is it Thalia?!"

I stood there with wide eyes, "I haven't slept past 7 am in the last two years..it's 11!"

His gaze softened and he smiled a heartbreaking smile at me. My stomach fluttered, but I returned his smile nonetheless.

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