Chapter IV

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"Are you coming back to mine Ash?" Jake coos cocking an eyebrow glancing over my shoulder at Niall slightly.

"No she can't, she has to come to mine" Niall growls taking a small stride forward grasping my arm tugging slightly. What is he doing? We aren't on friendly terms.

"She can do as she pleases Horan" Jake bites back, I feel awkward being in-between them like this.

"Ni, let's go" I beg grasping his hoodie in-between my fingers pulling him away from Jake I knew if I didn't the school wouldn't want the attention of Niall Horan 1/5 of One Direction getting a bloody nose on school permises. "I'll see you tomorrow Jake". I look into his brown eyes sending a weak smile, he winks wrapping an arm around my waist pulling me towards his pressing his lips to mine softly.

"Bye baby" Jake whispers. I spin around to face Niall a deep scowl etched onto his forehead, who put a stick up his ass? I huff walking towards Niall's car saying bye to Scarlett and Alice on the way, they give worrying glances as I slip into the passenger seat waiting for him to actually reach the car, arms folded over my chest. I don't know why I decided to drag him away when I could've sealed the deal by leaving with Jake. His bad mood was prominent shown in the way he gripped the steering wheel till his knuckles turned white and how his jaw was clenched not saying a word to me.

"Niall" I sung in a bored way recieving no reply except for the speed of the car increasing towards our street. "Niall" I snapped getting more pissed off with every second that passed excruciatingly slowly. "Fuck sake Niall anwser me" I scream balling my fists snapping my head around face him.

"What Ashlyn!" He kept his head fixed on the road ahead.

"What happened when you left? Wait let me anwser that, you became a jealous dick! You've never been angry at me like this why now?" I let my anger out on the boy I was supressing feelings for.

"I got the chance to do what I love and no I'm not jealous! Im not angry at you, I'm just disappointed that's all" His voice comes out smooth but I'm confused I mean why is he disappointed? Surely it can't be all about Jake? He can't control me. He never has before, we've always been supportive of one another.

"I know you did, you forgot me because of it. You make no sense, why are you disappointed?" I almost plead for the anwser feeling the car slow down pulling into Niall's driveway, there wasn't enough time I can feel myself getting angry and soon I would storm off.

"Please can we not go there. I make total sense I'm disappointed that you're with him that's all" His voice is angry at the beginning becoming emotionless and rough towards the end I almost can't bear it.

"Jake is an amazing guy and you know what I was disappointed as well, remember when you went out with Ellie" I fire back hand desperatly searching for the handle to open the car door open stepping out collecting my bag sending him one last look turning around storming across the road fumbling to open my front door and running up to my room collapsing onto my bed curling up, I wished I had gone home with Jake now. Things would be a lot less complicated.


I rolled over on my matress scrolling through twitter being thankful no-one knew about me and Niall or had seen us together. I was bored and everyone decides now not to text me, I think my mum has left for her nightshift at the hospital leaving me in a dark and empty house. A loud thump echoed through the room my eyes opening in alert, my room is dark this isn't good. Another thump against the window. I don't know what I'm doing as I stand up my feet walking towards the worn out wooden window my thoughts not alerting me till I stop infront of it. This is a bad idea.

"Open up" A deep voice sounds through the air as I crack the window open slightly. Was it Niall I mean he used to do this when we snuck out to the ice cream parlour before spending time on the beach or in small cafe's but he wouldn't after the car argument.

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