Chapter VI

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Mum went to bed leaving me snuggled up on the sofa watching Bambi one of my favourite Disney films but the front door opened and shortly after shut after footsteps could be heard trapesing in. I furrowed my eyebrows together, my hands shook slightly considering mum had locked the doors before going to bed...

"Ashlyn?" I sighed in relief reconising Jake's calming voice. What is it with people visiting at night times?

"In here" He tip-toed in a cheeky grin on his face, eyes sparkling with mischief jumping next to me on the sofa laying his head on my shoulder.

"I missed you" He whispered placing a kiss on my cheek, I closed my eyes in appreciation but there just wasn't anything other than his soft lips showing a kind and friendly gesture.

I didn't say it back because honestly I hadn't thought about my friends or anything. I could only fathom thoughts about one boy I held feelings for and had hurt considerably.

"Why are you here?" Wanting to be in the comany of myself except for my mum however sweet Jake was.

"Wanted to see you before that dick over the road did" He rasps reaching for my hand but I pull it away and sit up facing him harshly.

"He isn't a dick" I bit, sinking back into my seat realising how quickly i'd jumped to defending a guy whom I was trying to pubck of my mind. I went silent taking in the surroundings of my livingroom not noticing how many photos there were of me and Ni and our families; it was distracting.

"Well has he come to see why you haven't emerged from your house today?" He tried snaking an arm around me to hold me close but I really wasn't in the mood to be held, at least not by Jake. He mean't well but I needed to be around the right people in the time being.

"Jake get off. I didn't want people to come see me today thats why I stayed at home" I roll my eyes and wiggle out of his grip, trying to muster a stern tone

"Fine. I'll leave" He spat and stood up swiftly exiting my house. I was relieved to be left alone again after his short and rude visit. Turning off the TV and DVD player, my feet found the floor as I stood up a bit wobbly at first and having the urge to pee so bad but I was determined to lock the doors before I went to bed.

Jake had stupidly left the door open letting in a chilly draft goosebumps rising on my arms and legs. Across the road, the Horans' house; there was a light to be seen through a window and well a person stood there, it was probably Harry checking for any girls roaming at night. I laugh to myself. Thinking nothing of it I shook of all the worrying thoughts away before going upstairs to pee, clean my teeth climbing into bed tucking the covers around me. Curled up nearly asleep my phone was plugged in charging yet started vibrating, who would be calling me at half 11?

"Hello" I sounded groggy.

"Get some sleep"

"Niall?" But the line had already gone dead and I was left bewildered with my thoughts. I was confused and this led to nearly two hours staring at my soft fairy lights covering the room before I could fall asleep normally.


Blink. If I carried on blinking a few more times I could convince myself i'm awake. But I still don't have the energy to haul my weight to sitting upright but I knew I had to. I'd taken my GCSE's a few a month and a bit before before Niall and the boys came to mullinger me missing these days of school didn't mean much except for spending time with friends before we get our results. Call me a coward but since that night I haven't turned my phone back on and I haven't attended school or anwsered the door. I've only really conversed with my mum, sat in baths or showers, got changed, eaten and watched films.

I rolled over groaning at the time 10:52. I commensed my new formed routine over this past week and a half of literally falling out of bed followed by a shower and brushing my teeth, changing then slumping downstairs towards my second home- the sofa. I anwsered a few of my friends (excluding Jake who I haven't heard from at all) calls via the home phone only to be informed they're soon to be moving away to attend college due to their results. I hadn't ventured out to get mine although mum offered to pick them up tomorrow. I'm not keen on seeing them however I was assured by my teachers I did fine and had nothing to worry about.


Mum had gone to visit my aunt in London as she was due to have her baby in the next few days that i'd completely forgotten about. I beamed that I'm well trusted to be left especially with Maura and Bobby across the road to keep a watchful eye on me. Even though I haven't seen any of the boys in a while including Niall. They'd all been kept in for a few days, some fans finding out where they'd been and chasing them around so until some security people get here they're laying low I heard from Liam when he phoned an hour ago or so to see if I wanted to go over but I thought it too risky.


A/N ~ In the process of heavily editing the chapters and re-writing a lot of it, sorry c:

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