Chapter 8

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Kathryn's POV

After training with dean we went back to the motel to talk about what we were going to do now that the angels have taken over our case.
We all piled out of the impala and went inside neither of us had said a word the entire trip home. I honestly hate silence it reminds me of depression and that reminds me of my parents death which i hate thinking about.
"So who wants to do something like go get food or watch a movie or something." I was standing in the doorway and both sam and dean were sitting in the two chairs in the kitchen area both looking at me.
"Actually that sounds good we can go get food and come back and talk because we all have something to tell the other person in this room." Sam said getting out of his chair to stand by me. Dean didn't move at all the only thing he looked at was the floor lost in his thoughts.
He finally came back to reality and said "yeah that sounds good I'm starving anyway." He got up and grabbed his keys while sam and i walked out to the impala.

Once we got back with the food which was a lot of McDonalds, candy and milkshakes we sat on the table in silence waiting for someone to talk. "Kathryn i know you have fun flirting with other people but don't you think its time to stop and have a relationship." Dean said with his mouth full of his burger. "Yeah i kinda liked you and that Brent dude from breakfast today he seemed really nice." Sam said speaking up. I pondered for a while searching for a way to say this without hurting dean. "I mean i might I'm not saying i don't like him because i do but i just don't know how I'm supposed to have a relationship and hunt at the same time. I know that feelings is something we hunters cant have because they get in the way but i don't know if i want to hunt anymore. Trust me guys i love both of you to death and i want to stay with y'all i just don't know if i want this life anymore. I want to settle down have kids and a nice house and i think i want that with Brent."
Both of them looked at me showing me that they were listening and sam was the first to speak. "Im with you in any choice you make all i want is for my Kat to be happy. I've looked out for you since we saved you and i want you to know that I'm here and I'm ok with you leavening and settling down and I'm not lying when i say i am totally fine with you and Brent y'all look perfect and I'm happy as long as your happy". I gave sam a smile and looked over at dean he looked back and me and said "i agree with sam if you want to go and live some apple pie life then you go ahead i'll be here every step of the way i promise." I smiled at both of them before getting up and saying a small "thanks guys."
I got up to give them both a hug and to throw my trash away.

"Im taking a shower then off to bed." I said while walking to the closet to get my pajamas. They both nodded at me since there faces were filled with food.

Once i got in the bathroom i sat my clothes down and turned on the hot water and a little of the cold to get the perfect temperature. I stripped down and did everything i needed to do in the shower and got out.

I put all of my clothes on and pulled my wet hair into a braid. Once i was done with everything i walked out of the bathroom to see that all of the lights were out and sam was asleep but dean was still sitting in his same spot from when we were eating the only thing that changed was that his food was cleared and the only thing in front of him was an empty beer bottle. "Hey you ok" i said leaning on the side of the wall not letting my eyes off him. He turned his head slightly before replying. "Yeah I'm fine i just have to take everything in." "Ok i can sleep on the couch or with sam tonight if you want." "No its fine i don't want you to sleep on the couch are you sure your ok with sleeping with sam." He said getting up to throw away the empty bottle. "Yeah i'll be fine i've done it before." I replied leaning off the wall. "Okay" he said softly before coming up to give me a hug and a small kiss on the forehead. "Night Katty." "Night Dean i said returning the hug and going over to sam's bed and getting in quietly.

-Kathryn's dream-

I was sitting in my room on my bed when i heard a scream. I went downstairs to find a girl with fiery red hair and bright red lipstick slitting my little sister Nikki's throat. She was only 13 and i had just turned 19. I screamed my lungs off and im sure once i was done my voice was going to be gone or at least slowly fading away. As i watched my sisters blood run down her new white shirt mom bought her that day the dark red liquid staining it where ever it dripped. Her body was limp and she laid there with here eyes open and mouth slightly open her arms laid beside her not moving at all her legs were like noodles as they laid there on the floor. The girl who killed my sister spoke to me in a loud voice. "Kathryn we need you to come home leave these people and come to me. You are our only hope." She dropped nikki and slowly made her way over to me. I turned and ran up the stairs to grab my pocket knife that my dad gave me when i turned 14. She slowly followed me and kept saying the words "we need you" it sounded almost like a retural. I tripped while running up to the door of my room. Once i got up i fumbled with the knife trying to open it to protect myself. The girl came back saying the same words and some how just like magic she came up to me her knife right at my throat. She laughed slightly her lips thinning out into a grin. "What am i saying we don't need you we can survive without your pathetic self." Just like that i could feel the blade of her knife slowly split the soft thin skin of my throat blood pouring out of me.

-end of dream-

I woke up scream sweat all over my body. I quickly sat up and saw sam and dean beside me. I felt my throat tighten and tears were starting to fall down my red cheeks. Sam jumped up and pulled me into a big moose hug. He whispered in my ear "hey its going to be okay. Brent texted and said to meet him at the beach at 1:00 so why don't you go get ready." I shook my head and wiped the tears off my cheeks and muttered a silent okay. Sam pulled me away and smiled at me.

Once i got out of the shower and saw it was 12:30. I hurried up and put on a cute white shirt with love printed in red cursive and some white rip jean shorts and some white diamond sandals. I straightened my hair really fast and did my makeup lightly just some mascara and black eyeliner.

I got finished with everything and looked in the mirror to see if i looked okay before going to grab my phone and tell sam that i was ready. Since he was in the bathroom when i told him I walked into the kitchen area to find dean drinking a beer with his feet propped up and his eyes focused in some random book. "Hey hows my Kat feeling," he said putting his book down and giving me a slight smile. "Good great actually i feel much better now that I'm awake and ready to have fun at the beach with Brent." I was about to go and sit next to him but sam came in interrupting our conversation. "You ready?" "Yeah lets go."

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