Chapter 9

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Kathryn's pov

Sam dropped me off at the beach when i got the text from Brent saying he was here. I walked to the shore line Nikki would have loved it here. I smiled at the thought of my sister and looked behind me to see Brent walking toward me. "Hey," i smiled at him "hey beautiful." He wrapped his  arms around my waist and i slithered my arms around his neck. 
We pulled away and started walking along the shore. I looked over and saw what he was wearing a grey shirt knakies and grey vans his hair was spiked he looked hot. Like smoking hot i could tell i had been looking at him for a while because Brent looked at me and said "like what you see." I had a shocked look on my face i blushed and looked down he pulled my face back up to his and softly said,"don't ever look down at me because if that okay," he pulled my face up and kissed my lips softly. We pulled away and smiled at each other before walking again our hands intwined together. I started to notice we had been walking for a while.
"Are we just going to walk on the beach all day?" I said not taking my eyes of a little boy playing in the sand with his mom. "Nope i have something else planned we just have to walk to it." He said popping out the 'p'. I looked up at him happily as we walked to our destination.

We stopped at a private spot where there trees, sand, and the ocean. I saw that there were pillows blankets and a computer set up on the sand. I looked over at Brent and he smiled at me. "I hope this is okay i didn't know what else to do for a first date." "Oh no this is fine this is perfect actually." I started walking faster desperate to lay down on all of the soft pillows before us. I let go of Brent's hand, ran and jumped on to all of the pillows. "Oh my gosh this is sooo comfortable." I said snuggling closer into the blankets. Brent just laughed and got comfortable with me. He grabbed the computer and started to play the movie "The Giver." He was laying on his back and i was laying on his chest our legs tangled with each other.

Brent leaned down and kissed my forehead i looked up at him and smiled. I reached up and kissed his neck softly nibbling on the skin right below his ear. He moaned in pleasure and grabbed my face hungry for a kiss. I pulled back and stopped the movie and pushed it away. I climbed on top of him and kissed his soft kissable lips i licked his bottom lip begging for entrance he accepted and i slithered my tongue in his mouth. His hand traveled up my thigh and rested on the inner part.

After our full make out session we turned off the movie and packed up all the pillows and put them in their rightful place. We walked back to the entrance of the beach and decided to go get some food. Brent walked me to his nice white mustang and got in. "Why don't we go to this really nice dinner near your hotel?" He said moving his right hand over on my inner thigh. "Yeah sounds good as long if there is food i don't care where you take me" i said laughing. I turned on the radio and "7 years" by lukas graham came on. I turned it up and started singing and soon Brent started singing too.

We arrived at the dinner and when we walked in it was huge and really nice there was white tile floors, red booths, black tables, and a bar in the front. It looked like something from the 90's it was amazing. We sat at a booth near the back  Brent was on one side and i was on the other. I grabbed a menu and started looking. Our waitress came up she looked fake she had long brown hair and a really skinny body her makeup was caked on. "Hi my name is Katie i'll be your waitress today what can i start you guys off to drink today." She said in a really preppy voice to be honest it got on my nerves and i just met the girl. "Can i have a water please," i said looking at her i could tell she couldn't keep her blue eyes off Brent and i got really jealous and mad. "I'll have a water too." He said. "Sure thing hot stuff." She said in her preppy voice and walked off. "You know she couldn't keep her eyes off you," "yeah but no need to worry i only have eyes for you kitten." He said grabbing my hand and kissing it softly. I blushed and looked down at my lap.

After a french fry fight and an argument on who payed which he won we were off to get ice cream. Brent said there was a small ice cream parlor down the street so thats where we went. Once we walked in i looked at all the different flavors and decided on a banana ice cream cup and Brent got a chocolate ice cream cup. We walked out and went to one of the small tables outside of the parlor.

"I want to get to know you more Katty," Brent said finishing his ice cream. "Well my favorite color is blue my parents died when i turned 18.  My birthday is June 17. My full name is Katherine grace moore.  I live with my close friends or my brothers sam and dean. I had a sister named Nikki.  My favorite movie is finding nemo my favorite show is the vampire diaries. I love banana ice cream and my best friends name is jasmine." I said finishing up my cup and giving it to Brent. "Wow i know so much about you now." He said throwing the cups away. "I already know so much about you too."i said smiling as he sat down.

"What are we?" I asked i felt like we were more but in reality we were just friends because he never asked me to be his girlfriend. "We are friends because i don't have the guts to ask you out." He said looking down at his lap. I grabbed both of his hands and said,"its okay you can do it I'm not going to reject you." He lifted up his head and smiled before saying,"Kathryn Grace Moore will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend."  I laughed before saying "yes," and jumping to give him a hug.

After watching a movie on the beach, getting lunch, getting ice cream, a proposal from Brent to be his girlfriend, we were on our way back to the motel. We were sitting in the car all windows down and "California" by jack and jack blasting through the radio. (A/N if you haven't heard it you need to listen to it its an amazing song by them.) Brent's left hand was on the wheel and his other was holding mine in my lap. I didn't want this date to end it was amazing. I couldn't get the fact that Brent was now my boyfriend out of my head i was so happy.

I was so lost in my thoughts that i didn't even realize we were at the hotel already Brent knew which one because it was the only one with the impala in front of the door. I looked over at him and he smiled a sad smile. I went across the seat and sat on his lap. I grabbed his face and pulled him into a nice slow kiss our tongues wrestling with each other. He placed his hands under my white shirt and rested them on my back. I pulled back and pecked his lips one more time before getting off of him and getting out of the car. Brent did the same and walked me up to the door. "Bye Brent." I said wrapping my arms around his neck. "Goodbye kitten we'll see each other soon i promise." He said kissing my cheek and putting his arms around my waist. We hugged for a minute before pulling back. I was about to walk in the door before i heard Brent say 3 little words i didn't think he would say. "I love you," i turned around i jumped on him pecking his lips before saying ,"i love you too." I got down and walked in the door watching through the window to see Brent leave.

"Good date," i heard dean say i plopped on the couch. I turned my head to see him sitting at the table on his computer with a beer in hand. "It was amazing," i replied staring at the ceiling.


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