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hoseok threw pebbles at what he assumed what has nayeon's window probably because it was the window with black lace as curtains.

"noona you have five minutes to come out or i'm going to throw a brick and pray that the glass ruins that perfect face or yours!!" hoseok whined like a little kid at the top of his lungs. the neighbors waking up were the last of his worries.

nayeon appeared with an annoyed expression as she locked the door. she steppied onto the porch in black basketball shorts and an oversized white tee with her honey-brown hair pulled up into what seemed like a very messy bun.

"chill, hoseok; and saying my face is perfect? i know it's perfect but isn't that ince-"

"no!!!" he screamed cutting her off. "well i mean— i think it's not..."

"ok please chill, taehyung and my mom are sleeping, i'll be dead if they wake up and find us together"

"but nayeon, they arent your family..."

"could you explain because im starting to get really annoyed."

he pulled nayeon by the arm and before she could even open her mouth to scream or oppose they appeared in front of a...... graveyard?

"h....hoseok..." nayeon speechlessly looked up at him and immediately regretted it when a gut wrenching feeling of fear hit her lower abdomen.

why was she afraid? hoseok would never hurt her, right?

his eyes were dark as the night sky and his skin was pale like the moon. that friendly aurora disappeared and was replaced with a darker- more scarier one.

nayeon started backing away slowly from hoseok, her gut twisting and untwisting with every step she took.

"why are you walking away?" vemon replacing sweetness of the voice that brought peace to nayeon. he stepped forward with every step back she took.

soon, her back hit a building that she didnt notice was there before. hoseok practically slammed his hand next to her head, causing spiders and other nasty bugs to crawl out from in between the spaces of the wooden frame of the building.

"scared?" the left side of his fainly tinted red lips tugged upwards creating a scary-like smirk to be painted on his face.

she diverted her eyes upon the ground with her teeth biting over her lip. her stomach went into another knot that seemed nearly impossible to unknot.

hoseok leaned forward to her ear in a low but deep voice he whispered, "you shouldn't trust people so easily noona," he chuckled. "you know fire could care less if it burns wood, marshmallows, or the flesh from your body, exactly like a knife...."

he moved away from her ear with his finger bringing her face up so she was looking up at him.

"nayeon noona, have you heard of the post bell curse?"

my hair looks like einsteins rn im screaming

IM CRINGING AT THIS CHAPTER but im satisfied wirh what i have planned so it'll start following the plot of this ff

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