Chapter 7

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Alexis's POV

     The light that shone through the window hit my face and woke me up. I groaned as I yanked the covers over my head. I didn't want to get up any time soon, but a weird smell perked me up. I slowly crawled out from under the covers and inhaled deeply. Something smelled amazing. I pushed myself off of the bed, wincing at the pain in my wrists. I guess that only bites and scratches heal fast.
     As I tiptoed down the hall, I remembered everything that happened yesterday, and I felt odd about it. For some reason, I would much rather be here with a bunch of strangers who could kill me, or worse, than at home with my father.
     I peered into the kitchen and saw tons of food. There were piles of bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Stiles was inhaling everything that was on his plate, and his dad was tying his shoes. He was in a police uniform, and he had a taser on the back of his belt, which made me a little nervous.
     On the other hand, Stiles looked like he just woke up. His hair was messy and sticking out in random places, he still had his pjs on, and he didn't even have socks or shoes on. To be fair, I only had pjs and socks, no shoes.
     All of a sudden, Stiles's head shot up, and he looked at me. I pushed a few strands of hair behind my ear; it had always been a nervous habit of mine. I'm not going to lie. I'm a pretty shy person.
     "You hungry?" Stiles asked with a mouth full of food. Even though I was starving, I shook my head no. Thankfully, Stiles didn't argue. Unfortunately for me, his dad did.
     "At least sit down grab something small. You're a growing girl. You need the food," he told me. I slowly approached the table, sat down, and grabbed an apple. Neither of them said anything about eating any more than that, so I just ate my apple in silence as Stiles and his dad talked about school.
     "Oh, Alex, we still need to get your clothes and other stuff," Stiles suddenly announced. "Come on. I'll grab you some clothes. My dad washed your jeans, but your shirt was really torn up, so you can just use mine." I nodded, threw away the apple core, and followed him into his room.
     His room was just a heap of clothes, books, and paper. Everywhere you looked, there would be a random item of clothing. I was shocked to see that when he opened his dresser, there were still clothes in there. He threw me a shirt, and by some miracle, I caught it. He also threw me my jeans, which I also barely caught. I left his room and went into mine so we could both change out of our pjs.


     Stiles pulled into my driveway and just as I expected, there was no other car in the driveway, meaning my dad wasn't home. He was almost always out this time of day doing God knows what.
     Stiles turned off the car, and I unbuckled my seat belt. Stiles looked at me, waiting for me to do or say something, so I did.
     "I'll only be a few minutes," I told him. He nodded, so I got out of the car and closed the door. I hurried up the front porch and grabbed the key from under our welcome mat. Yes, I know it's cliché, but I didn't really care. I unlocked the door and practically ran inside. I didn't want Stiles to wait a long time.
    Before I went into my room, I took a quick peek into Isaac's room. It was empty, which meant he was still gone. An uneasy feeling washed over me. I tried to push it aside and start packing.
     As I got into my room, the first thing I did was grab a duffle bag from under my bed. Then I started to shove everything I needed inside: shirts, pants, a dress, bracelets, toiletries, "lady supplies", shoes, and all of my school stuff. Thankfully, everything fit nicely into one bag, so I didn't need another one. I zipped up the bag with ease and started to walk down the stairs.
     That was easier than I thought it would be. I thought that maybe my dad would come home early or still be here or something. I reached for the front door handle, but I quickly yanked my hand back as someone from the other side opened it.

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