Chapter 9

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Alexis's POV

          "Hey, Alex, it's Scott. Can Stiles and I come in? We have some stuff we need to talk to you about," Scott asked.
     "Yeah, come on in," I replied. The door slowly opened, revealing Scott with Stiles right behind him.
     "You might want to sit down," Scott told me. I backed up a few steps and sat down on the bed. "So," Scott said, glancing over at Stiles. "You know I'm a werewolf, right?" I nodded in response. "Okay, and you know you were bitten by a werewolf, right?" I nodded again, a little irritated. If he wanted to say something, he can just say it. I can handle it. "Being bit by a werewolf means that you are almost definitely a werewolf now, and the full moon is coming up. Werewolves, especially new ones, tend to go crazy during the full moon, so we have a few options here. The first one is that we lock you in a room alone so you can't hurt anyone. The second one is we use wolfsbane to put you to sleep. The third one is that we tie you up, and the whole pack comes just in case you break free."
     "What?" I asked. My head was spinning, and I felt dizzy. I stared up at Stiles. He had a worried expression on his face. "Pack?" I questioned.
     "The whole pack would be me, Stiles, Lydia, Liam, Malia, and Kira," Scott quickly explained. I looked back to Stiles.
     "You don't have to decided right this second. You still have a few days," Stiles told me.
     "Okay," I said uncertainly.
     "On a different note, can we get something to eat? I'm starving!" Stiles complained. Scott just chuckled. I, on the other hand, froze. I didn't want to eat, but I didn't want them to know I didn't eat.
     "Yeah, that sounds great. Where do you want to eat?" Scott asked.
     "Is your mom home? She makes the best sandwiches!" Stiles said.
     "Yeah. She has the night shift. Let's go," Scott smiled. Scott and Stiles both got up and walked to the door. I expected them to leave my room right away, but they turned back and looked at me.
     "Coming?" Stiles asked.
     "I don't know. I'm not that hungry," I lied.
     "You can just eat a little if you want to, but you should really meet my mom," Scott smiled.
     "Okay," I smiled back.

     I stared out the window as Scott and Stiles talked about school and homework or whatever. I got demoted to the backseat so Scott could sit in the front. I didn't really mind though. I wouldn't have talked anyways. I just watched the raindrops roll down the windows.
     I remembered when I was younger and used to pretend like the raindrops were racing. Isaac and I used to bet on which one would win.
     All of a sudden, my phone buzzed. I pulled it from my back pocket and looked at it. I got a text from a random number. I opened the message. It said:

Hey, it's Isaac. I wanted you to know that I'm okay. Actually, I'm better than okay. I'm sorry that I had to leave you with dad, but I didn't have a choice. Declan and my friends will take care of you. I'll be back in a few months. Please don't text back on this number. I'm using someone else's phone, and they don't know I'm texting you. I have to go, and I'll see you soon! I love you!

     A lump rose in my throat. I swallowed and forced it back down. I couldn't cry in front of them. I wouldn't. I just had to suck it up and pretend like everything's fine. I've done it before.
     I felt the car stop, and that snapped me back into reality. We were in the driveway of a house, and it was really pretty. Scott and Stiles both got out of the car, which told me that I should too. I slowly unbuckled my seatbelt and slid out of the car. I followed them onto a porch, and Stiles and I waited for Scott to unlock the front door. The second I walked through the door, I was engulfed in a hug.

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