Chapter 25

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Alexis's POV

     The walk to school was slow, cold, and painful, mentally and physically. He took the last of my strength last night, and I honestly didn't know if I could make it through the day. I reached up to push some hair out of my face when I noticed a few small, red dots had appeared on the sleeve of my hoodie. I knew Stiles would be pissed, but I didn't really care. I was running on autopilot right now.
     If I could skip school, I would, but I knew I couldn't. I could stay home and have my dad torture me more, and if I did that, Scott and Stiles would know that something must be wrong. I didn't want to drag them into my crappy life, so I just kept my mouth shut.
     I got to school about half an hour before first period started, and I went straight to my locker. It took a little longer to navigate the hallways than usual because every step I took set my whole abdomen on fire. As I rounded the corner, I saw Liam at my locker. He was doing something, but I couldn't tell what from the angle I was looking at. I stopped right behind him and saw him rapidly tearing sticky notes off of my locker. He must have sensed me because he turned and stepped in front of my locker.
     "Hey, Alex. What's up?" Liam asked nervously. I just rolled my eyes and pushed him out of the way. My locker was almost covered in sticky notes. Each note had a different insult of name. I ignored the notes and opened my locker. This was the third time this year that someone's done this to my locker. Liam continued to rip the notes off of the front of my locker as I shoved the books I needed into my bag.
     "Alex, are you okay?" Liam whispered as he gently cupped my face with his hand. I flinched away from his touch and immediately regretted it. Now he looked really worried.
     "I'm fine. Just tired," I mumbled as I shut my locker and walked away from him. It was going to be a long day.


     I couldn't take it anymore, so I decided to skip last period and take a walk around the school grounds.
     I stepped through the side doors and into the cool air. It wasn't so cold that I was uncomfortable, but I still hugged myself to keep what little warmth I had retained from inside. As I made my way over to one of the benches a few feet away from me, a gust of wind made me shiver. I laid down on the bench using my bag as a makeshift pillow and closed my eyes.
     "Alex?" a voice said. I groaned and opened my eyes. It hadn't even been a minute since I closed my eyes, and I was pretty annoyed. I just wanted some peace and quiet.
     It was Stiles and Scott. I forgot that they had a study hall this period.
     "Shouldn't you be in class?" Stiles questioned. He sounded slightly worried. Scott, on the other hand, looked slightly pissed.
     "Yeah, she has class with Liam this period. Why aren't you there? You can't skip class if you want to get into a good college," Scott complained.
     "I needed a break," I told them as I closed my eyes again and folded my arms over my chest. It was all Scott's fault. If he hadn't saved me, I wouldn't be in this mess. If he hadn't saved me, I would have died a virgin.
     "You can't just skip class," Scott argued.
     "Fuck off," I growled. I was not in the mood for this today.
     "Alex, what's wrong?" I heard Stiles ask. That was the last straw.
     "It's all your fault!" I screamed as I jumped up from the bench and stormed over to Scott. "If you didn't stop me, none of this would have happened! Why didn't you just let me die? You have absolutely no idea what's going on in my life. I bet you don't even give a fuck about me. You're just helping me because Stiles wants you to. Did you even stop to think what I felt about it? Maybe I wanted things to stay the same. Maybe I didn't care that I get tortured every day. Maybe I just wanted to be left alone!"
     I took a few deep breaths and stared at Scott. He looked like he was still processing what I had just said. I grabbed my bag from the bench and went back to them.
     "Alex, listen, if you're feeling like you might hurt yourself again-" Stiles started to say quietly, but I cut him off.
     "I'm fine. I'm just tired, and I want to go home," I lied. I wasn't fine, and home was honestly the last place I wanted to be.
     "I'll drive you," Stiles insisted.
     "No thanks. I can just walk. I'll see you later," I told him. I took one last glance at Scott. He looked completely and utterly confused. I smirked a little and started the journey home.

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