Chapter 16

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Alexis's POV

     I sat in the hallway in one of those uncomfortable wooden chairs that felt like medieval torture devices for what felt like hours. For one thing, these chairs were literally killing me. I leaned over and started playing with the zipper on the back of my backpack. I strained my ears to try to hear what was happening behind the closed door to the office. Principal Thomas called in both of our parents, and Brad and his parents were in there at the moment. I had told him that I was staying with the Stilinski's while my dad was away on a business trip, but there was still a possibility that he would call my dad, and in that case, I would most likely be whipped.
     I heard heavy footsteps coming down the hallway. I knew for a fact that they weren't a student's because it was in the middle of a period, and there wasn't a bathroom anywhere nearby. I started shaking at the prospect that it was my father. I didn't want to know who it was, but the curiosity was killing me. I glanced up and almost sighed in relief when I saw Mr. Stilinski. I said "almost" because the look on his face made my heart drop. His mouth formed a straight line across his face, and he looked pissed off. I quickly stood up as he came closer to me. He stopped walking right in front of me. Mr. Stilinski brought his hand under my chin and examined my face. He shook his head in disappointment before dropping his hand and storming into the office.
     I sat back down and groaned. Whatever he was about to do, it would not be good.

     I swore at the school for not having a clock in this hallway. I needed to know how long it had been since he went in there.
     Eventually, Mr. Stilinski came out, followed by the principal. I stood up and nervously tugged at the ends of my sleeves.
     "Miss Lahey, since this is your first major offense," Principal Thomas said, "I have decided to let you off with a warning." I let out a breath of relief. "But I will have you know that violence will not be tolerated at this school, and if I catch you doing this again, you will be suspended." I nodded in understanding. Principal Thomas then walked back into his office.
     "Let's go," Mr. Stilinski demanded. He led me out of the school by my shoulder as I hoisted my bag onto my other shoulder. His grip was as hard as steel, and I was getting more anxious by the second.
     We both got into the car, and he started driving. That's when the yelling started.
     "I can't believe this! You got in a fight? What did this guy possibly say that caused you to go after him? You know what? I don't even want to know. Actually, I do. I got a call in the middle of work that you started a fight at school. I had to leave work and drive all the way here just to get you! You're lucky you didn't get suspended! What were you even thinking, picking on someone who's three times your size?" Mr. Stilinski kept yelling, but I couldn't handle it, so I just tuned him out. If I didn't, I would've burst into tears. I didn't want him to be disappointed in me. Plus, if I tell him the truth, he'll probably yell at me even more for not fighting back. Then he'll get involved and the whole situation would get even worse.
     The yelling continued when we got to his house and went inside. I dropped my bag onto one of the chairs as he screamed at me.
     "Come on, Alex! You have to learn to control your anger!" He yelled. He raised his hand, and the first thought that ran through my mind was that he was going to hit me, so I flinched away and covered my face with my arms.
     All of a sudden, the yelling stopped. Everything was silent, and I found myself shaking. If he was going to hit me, then he should just do it already! I hated waiting for the first strike to come down unexpectedly.
     I looked up after a few seconds to see Mr. Stilinski staring at me. He seemed confused, then a look of realization hit him. I slowly lowered my arms.
     "Wait, did you...did you think I was going to...hit you?" He asked in almost a whisper. I opened my mouth to speak, but no sound came out. "Because I would never hurt you like that, Alex," he told me. "Why would you think..." Mr. S trailed off. "Alex, does someone at home hit you?" My mouth went dry. "Answer the question," he demanded.
     Thankfully, I didn't have to. Stiles barged through the door, ran over to me, and embraced me in a tight hug.
     "Oh my gosh, Alex, are you okay? I heard you got beaten up pretty badly, and I wasn't allowed to see you," Stiles told me.
     "I'm fine, Stiles," I lied as I hugged him back. He pulled out of the hug to inspect my injuries.
     "You got hit pretty hard," he mumbled to himself. I shrugged. 
     "Stiles, do you know the whole story?" Mr. Stilinski asked.
     "Yeah. Apparently some guy came out of nowhere, dragged her outside, and started beating the crap out of her," Stiles explained.
     "Why didn't you tell me that you didn't start the fight?" Mr. Stilinski asked. I shrugged and looked down. He sighed.
     "Come on, let's get you cleaned up," Stiles said.

A/N: hey guys!!! I really want to thank you for all of the reads, and I hope you liked this chapter! I would love to hear any suggestions or feedback you might have from the story! Again, thank you so much for reading! I love you guys!!!!

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