Chapter 23

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Alexis's POV

     The ride home was silent, and Stiles kept looking over to check on me. Even though it was fairly early in the day, I was emotionally exhausted. I just wanted to go watch a movie or sleep or something.
     As we pulled into the driveway, Stiles took my hand and stopped the car. He looked into my eyes, so I quickly looked away. Stiles could practically read my mind by looking into my eyes, and I didn't want him to see how tired I was.
    "Just to let you know so you don't freak out, Liam's inside, okay?" Stiles said.
     "Okay," I replied uncertainly.
     "I didn't tell him about last night. I promise," Stiles informed me, reading my mind. I nodded, and we both got out of the car. I followed him to the door and watched his struggle to find his keys in his pocket. Stiles eventually fished them out, unlocked the door, and waltzed inside with me not far behind him.
     "Liam, you still have the book, right?" Stiles asked Liam as we walked into the kitchen where Liam was drinking a cup of coffee.
     "Yeah. Alex, I think we figured out what you are," Liam smiled. A million feelings overwhelmed me. Happiness, confusion, skepticism, frustration, and many others.
     "What am I?" I asked as my curiosity got the best of me.
     "Well," Liam started as he set down his coffee on the table and flipped through the gigantic book on the table, "Stiles and I originally thought you might be a werewolf, but we were clearly wrong. So, for the past few days, we've been doing some research about what you could be. Then last night, I came across this." Liam spun the book around so it was facing my end of the table. I hesitantly peered down at the old book and absorbed the information on the page.
     "An angel?" I asked in disbelief. "No way."
     "Actually, it makes perfect sense," Stiles argued. "The headache, the silver eyes, the teleportation, and let's not forget the dagger that appeared out of nowhere." I groaned. As much as I hated to admit it, it made sense.
     "But why was this full moon different? I was bitten by a werewolf, not an angel," I wondered out loud.
     "Maybe the bite somehow activated your powers," Stiles hypothesized.
     "Maybe," Liam agreed. "What the book doesn't say is if you're born with it or not, but I'll keep looking."
     "Same," Stiles said.
     "So, do you guys want to go out for pizza or something?" Liam suggested. No. No we did not. I was physically and emotionally drained even though it wasn't anywhere near nighttime.
     "I'm actually kinda tired. Can we do it tomorrow instead?" Stiles asked. I mentally thanked him for getting me out of that.
     "Sure. I still have homework to finish anyway. See you guys later," Liam smiled as he grabbed the large book and left.
     "So, what do you want to do?" Stiles said as he turned to me. I shrugged. "Netflix and pizza?"
     "Netflix and pizza sound really good right now," I nodded.
     "Awesome. I'll order the pizza, and you can pick a movie. I can grab the blankets too," Stiles told me. I nodded and hurried to the living room, excited for the relaxing day ahead of me.

Author's note - Hi guys!!! I want to start off by saying I'm really really sorry that I haven't updated in forever. I've had this terrible cold that won't go away for about a week, and I'm exhausted.
Another thank you for everyone who has commented!!!! I love feedback (good AND bad) about my stories!!!!
I'm sorry this chapter sucks. It's mostly fluff. I'm still sick, but I forced myself to update for you guys.
Stay safe. I love you guys. Bye!

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