Chapter 1

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"Your Highness." My door creaked on its hinges as a guest entered my chambers.

"Please, not now, Ian. I have quite the headache, you see. I'd like to be left alone." I slumped further against my window seal to look out into the horizon, watching the last bit of sunlight settle on the tips of the mountains in the distance.

"That's too bad, princess. I was hoping you'd like to go for a ride into town. You know, just to check up on things." I peeked over to see Ian looking around nonchalantly with his usual sloppy smile.

"You know just what to say to make a girls heart throb." I laughed and leaped from the corner I bounded myself to. Ian's gaze landed on me with humor dancing in his eyes.

"Why, Milady. If I believed my eyes, it would seem that your headache is completely gone. What kind of witchcraft have you worked?" Ian's eyes shimmered with mischief, which was his usual look to me.

"Oh no witchcraft involved, soldier. Just the perks of being future Queen of Verena." I curtsied as gracefully as I could, holding my dress and it's layers off the floor in the process. Ian bellowed in laughter before extending his arm for me to take.

"Shall we, your highness?" Ian gestured and awaited patiently for me to accept. He didn't have to wait long, for my anxiousness to escape the confinement of the constricting castle walls was wasting away at my insides.

"We shall." I placed my hand on his arm and and allowed him to lead me out of the castle and into the courtyard where he instructed one of the stablemen to acquire two horses for us to ride.

Ian was an old childhood friend, one for which I was extremely grateful for. His kindness and support was always there to assist me with anything I needed. He cares for me and my well being, and that's why father appointed him as my personal bodyguard. Father knew he would protect me till the very end, though I hoped that day would never occur.

"What village would you like to visit today, your grace? Tisten? Laith? Camnolen?" Ian asked me as he led me to my readied mare. My kingdom, Verena, was very secured and kept tight watch on all of it's villages. The kingdom itself was in the center of woods and outside the wooded area were the villages protected by law of Verena. Tisten, Laith, and Comnolen are not the only surrounding villages in Verena. Those three are just the closest to the kingdom, the most trades happen there. Mostly our noblemen and knights reside in those three villages, though they would probably be more considered cities if you were to walk into one of them. Everything was extremely well maintained and streets were filled with exotic markets that people roamed about. It wasn't exactly where my heart was set on going, but seeing that we had little daylight to travel in, I'd have to settle.

I liked the other villages better though. They may have less material things, but their hearts rang true to happiness and content. Those were the happiest of people I had ever met; and they were my own people. Pride swelled within me a little, but quickly died down when I noticed Ian was still awaiting an answer.

"Laith. There is a shop there that has the most wonderful books that I've been meaning to examine for quite some time now." Ian lifted me onto my saddle as I spoke. "I have missed reading, Ian. Lately, I've been too busy to do anything I enjoy." I sighed and straightened my posture atop the mare, as any royal bound princess would do.

"Indeed, Milady." Ian swung himself onto his own stallion and looked at me with distant sadness. His voice was strong and courageous, just as any warrior's voice should be. But his eyes reached out to my heart and comforted me as best they could without actually soothing me with touch.

Ian didn't know the great deed he did for me day to day just by being at my side. He was a wonderful friend, indeed.

"Come, princess. Let's enjoy what little time we have left before they have our heads for such late adventures." Ian grinned knowingly at me before galloping full speed out of Verena's gates and down the stone path towards the woods.

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