Chapter 6 - The Contest

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[A/N: Here is the link for >> if you don't already know, you don't need an account to comment on The Mibba link is >> I post on those two more regularly, because I never remember that I have a wattpad, however, I will try to remember.] 

“Ready?” The Beadle asked.

“Ready.” Pirelli replied.

There was a pause in which Mr. Todd looked around at the Beadle.

“Ready.” He said quietly.

“The fastest, smoothest shave is the winner.” Beadle Bamford announced before blowing the whistle.

Pirelli had Toby beside him in an instant with the leather strap he needed to sharpen his razor. With every glide along the strap he was injuring Toby’s hand, but he didn’t care. Mr. Todd took his time, unlike Pirelli who seemed to be rushing everything.

[i]“You’re gonna lose at this rate Mr. Todd.”[/i] Gerard sighed in his mind.

Pirelli started going on about himself again.

“Now signorine, signori we mix the lather but first you gather around signorine, signori you are looking a man who have had-a the glory to shave the pope. Mr. Sweeney whoever, I beg-a your pardon; you’ll probably say it was only a cardinal, nope! It was-a the pope!”

Gerard rolled his eyes and chose to follow Mr. Todd’s actions and ignore the stupidity coming from the ridiculous Italian to his left. Sweeney was definitely taking his time, which made it seem as though he would definitely lose, but he seemed calm and confident. So while Pirelli prattled on about himself, Sweeney worked at his own pace.

“The winner is Todd!” The Beadle proclaimed suddenly.

Gerard and his mother exchanged a smile and clapped with many other members of the audience. Sweeney gave Pirelli a look as though to say,

“I told you so.”

And Pirelli approached him with a sour expression at which Mr. Todd smirked as he placed his razor back in his holster.

“Sir, I bow to a skill far greater than my own.” Pirelli said, bowing with a forced smile.

Mr. Todd was not facing him, not even when he spoke.

“The five pound.” He held his hand up, moving his finger in a beckoning motion.

Pirelli’s face turned sour again as he removed five pound from his purse and placed it in Sweeney’s hand and Sweeney placed it in his pocket.

“May the good lord smile on you. Until we meet again. Come boy, come.” He turned away and gave Toby a firm backhanded slap across the face so that he fell behind the red curtain.

Sweeney collected his things and walked back to Gerard and Mrs. Lovett.

“I suppose it’s just me gentle heart, but I do hate to see a boy treated like that.” She said quietly.

Mr. Todd nodded slightly as he pulled his coat back on, as if to agree with her. A man suddenly came and spoke to him.

“Congratulations Mr.…Todd. May I ask you sir; do you have your own establishment?” He asked.

Sweeney looked worried at being spoken to in such a friendly manner. Which made Gerard have to bite his laughter back again.

“He certainly does. Sweeney Todd’s Tonsorial Parlor, above my Meat Pie Emporium in Fleet Street.”

Sweeney had lost track of the conversation and was staring directly ahead. Gerard looked around them all discreetly and noticed the Beadle standing there. Then Sweeney approached him. As he neared, the Beadle turned around.

“I thank you sir. You are a paragon of integrity.” Mr. Todd said in his normal soft tone.

“Well, I try to do my best for my friends and neighbors. Your establishment is in Fleet Street you say?” The Beadle replied in his sickly-sweet voice.

Gerard rolled his eyes again. How stupid must people sound to make themselves seem special?

“Yes sir.” Mr. Todd nodded.

“Then Mr. Todd, you shall surely see me there before the week is out.” The Beadle gave a grin.

“You will be welcome Beadle Bamford. And I can guarantee to give you, without a penny’s charge, the closest shave you will ever know.” Mr. Todd promised.

The Beadle gave another grin before walking away. Mrs. Lovett approached the barber first, who stared after the Beadle. Gerard followed behind her.

“Come on love.” She encouraged Sweeney.

He turned slowly, following the two in front of him home.

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