Courtneys POV
Ive been thinking about Phillips and i was wondering why he wanted me to join his team when i never even played on the sandlot team.
as i was walking across the sandlot to go to practice i went to go talk to the boys
"hey guys"
"hey court" they all said
"so what are you doing"
"getting ready to play"
"ok cool, hey benny can i talk to you" I asked pulling him away
"sure what about?" he asked
" why would phillips want me to come to his team when i dont even play on this team?" i asked completely confused.
"i have no idea maby he just likes you" benny said with the most blank expression on his face. That doesn't make any sense to me though.
"why would he like me?' i asked
"well think about it you cute, your funny and your smart" he said then realized what he said and started to blush, quickly trying to cover it up by putting my face in my hands.
"oh well lets just get back to the game" he suggested and began to run back over to the boys.
"ok and how to you hit so far" i asked
he smirked "ill show you"
just then i was on the base with bennys arms wrapped around me
"ok so just keep your eyes on the ball and swing" he said
his arms wrapped around me felt so good then the ball came and i swung and hit a home run and started running.
"I knew you would be a natural." Benny winked as I arrived back at home base. Making me blush more than ever.
"wow court your really fast" squints said
"thanks im on the running team at school" i said with pleasure
ok ive decided after practice im going over to phillips team and find out why he wanted me on his team
"hey phillips!" "well well well someone change their mind"
"no i came here to no why you want me on youyr team when i dont play on their team"i asked
"isnt it obvious" he said and i gave him a no look on my face
"if you join my team they will get sad and wont be focused" he explained
"why would they get sad" i asked
"because they like you especially benny you can tell by the look on his face when he sees you" "that is not true" "you better believe it"
when i got back to the sandlot it was dark and as usual i sat down at the dug out and was about to fall asleep when i heard the boys come and realized it was july 4th and they have the night game.
i tried to stay hiden because i didnt want them to know i had no where to stay. si i just decided to go to sleep.
Bennys POV
we just finished the night game and i told the guys to go on ahead because i thought i left one of my balls behind the dugout but when i went behind the dugout but instead seeing my ball i saw courtney asleep,.
"courtney" i whispered, giving her a soft shake to wake her up.
"benny what are you doing" she asked suprized
"me?, what are you doing, why are you sleeping behind the dugout" i asked
"uhhhhh fine, i ran away from home and ive been sleeping at the dugout for a couple of days and i ran away because my parents are getting a divorce and blaming it all on me and i just had to get away" she said as she started to tear up.
i pulled her close and she hugged into my chest and she continued to tear up.
"shhh its ok court m maby you c could stay with m me" i asked as i felt my face go a bit red and giving a nervice smile
"sure i would love to but would your parents mind" she asked
"thats ok they are out on a bisnuss trip for a few weeks" i responded with a smile
and the we grabbed her stuff and headed home.
sandlot love
Fanficcourtney was just a cheerleader who got hit in he head with a baseball and met the boys but had some different feelings for benny then the rest of the boys will they get together or will she keep her secret(sandlot fan fict)