Garnet Star

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I changed my name the day I left the circus. I knew they would come looking for me; Jem too. I decided to go back to my old work place  - in Kingtown, because I missed Bertie.

The Ticket man looked at me. "One child to Kingtown, if you please, sir."

He handed over the ticket and I counted out the correct fare and gave it to him. "But, dearie, the train is about to arrive!" He exclaimed. "There's no way you'll make it!"

I was about to reply, but then, I heard the whistle of the train. "Thank you!" I smiled and bolted through the carriage doors.  I looked for a seat and saw one next to a young man.

Walking over, I seated myself next to him. "Hello, sir, I'm Garnet Wood." I grinned and batted my sapphire-blue eyes at him. His reply was a grunt. "Sorry, sir. I did not quite catch that. Please may you repeat it."

When he replied, it was so rude that it would have made a pig squeal!

After about ten stops, we were finally there. I hauled my suitcase of to the WC and changed into my green Sunday best.

I hailed a cab. "Can you take me to the river?" I pleaded.

"Sure thing little lady. This is, if you have some cash." He grinned a toothless grin and I jangled the lose coins in my pocket. "Off we go then."

When we got there, I handed over the money and still had lots left over.

I walked along the side of the river me and Bertie went rowing on. I smiled when I thought about it. He had taken me to the little island right over there. I looked at the island and gasped.

There was Bertie and...Rose-May! The new maid at Mr Buchannan's! I felt a tear drop from my eye.  No Hetty. I scolded myself. You mustn't let them see you cry!

But, no matter how much I scolded myself, the tears came. I saw Bertie put his arm round her. I held a hand over my mouth. Bertie looked up in my direction. I tried to turn - but I couldn't. I was paralysed.

Bertie smiled then realised who I was. His eyes widened and tears sprang to his own eyes. I rushed off, not looking back. When I got to the other side of the river, I looked back at the island and saw only Rose-May there, and Bertie rowing towards me.

I stumbled to my feet and tried to run again. I got as far as the dark cave when someone touched my shoulder. I flinched and turned. It was Bertie (I guess I already knew that). His eyes were puffy and red from crying. He grinned at me.

"Why don't you go back to your sweetheart!" I snapped, turning on my heel.

"What's the matter, Beautiful?" his face drooped as he ran round my other side.

"Oh!" I gasped pretending to be shocked. "I'm beautiful compared to that?!" I pointed at flawless Rose-May.

"Hetty, there you go again! You know, for a foundling..."

"...You sure do act like a princess sometimes." I finished for him. Then, I stalked off, my head held high. I checked my watch. Half-past six. Wouldn't have Mrs Briskett told them to be back by six?

As soon as I thought I was out of sight, I broke down in the middle of the pavement and had a wave of tears wash over me.

I picked myself up and heard pattering footsteps behind  me. They were here, coming to get me.

There was only one thing I could do. I went to Mr Buchanan's.

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