part five

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I awoke earlier than yesterday to rain pattering against the window in my room.  So, I got dressed and combed my hair, stuffing it under my hat. I grabbed my shawl and slung it over my arm. 

I lit a stub of candle, taking another with me just in case. I grabbed an umbrella from the hat stand near the door, then I went into the darkness outside.

I lay the shawl on the steps of the hospital, then I sat on it, taking a deep breath of fresh air. I placed the candle holder next to me on the step, and it set an eerie glow around me. Even so, I still could not see anything beyond the step below me.

I heard the screech of hooves as a cab pulled up outside. I stood from my seat, making my way to the door to open it for the foundlings.

Strange time to drop off foundlings. I thought. But, they might have set off late at night. It might have took them a while to get here.

I put on my happy face as the wrought iron gates creaked open. I heard footsteps coming towards me. I kept smiling, but looked away - not wanting to see the upset faces of children as their families said their last goodbyes. The last they would see of their parents.

But instead of hearing cries of pain and sorrow, I heard a voice.

A Cockney voice.


A tear sprang to my eye and I rubbed it ferociously. I pretended I didn't hear him and crouched to pick up the candle and my shawl. I went back inside the building, going down the corridor to my room. He had followed me.

"Hetty! Come on, Beautiful!" I opened the door and tried to close it, forgetting he had strong muscles in his skinny arms.

I pushed against him, even so. "Talk to me!" he shouted. I hushed him. The foundlings couldn't  be awake!

I closed the door and pushed the chest of drawers against it.

The door opened a bit, about to knock over the drawers...right on to me!

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