part eleven

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I woke to a slight tap at the door.

"Hetty?" It was Mrs Briskett. "It's Sunday, we're going to church." I groaned.

"Mrs  Briskett, do we really have to?"

"Yes, my dear, otherwise, the Father our Lord will frown upon us."

I rolled out of bed and onto the floor. "Ouch." Pulling myself onto my knees, I rooted through my chest and pulled out my Emerald green dress. I yanked my nightgown off and threw the garment over my head. I was in the kitchen, with a slice of bread with a dollop of honey, stolen from the jar.

Mrs Briskett came in. She looked at the honey and laughed. "You're such a naughty girl Hetty Feather!" She poured a cup of tea for us both. I drained at just as Sarah was coming down.

"Right then, let's be off!"

"Wait, what about...HER?" I asked, scoffing the last of my bread.

"She doesn't go to the church, Hetty." Mrs Briskett explained, pulling at the ribbon on her bonnet.

"Mrs Briskett, you said if we don't go to church the Lord frowns upon us." I batted my eyes then barged into Rose-May's room.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE!" she screamed.

"You are coming with us." I grabbed her hair and yanked her from the room. "Now we can go." I pulled her all the way to church by her hair.

She talked through the sermon - God knows to who. She muttered her way through the hymns - what sort of Baptist was she? Not a very good one by the looks of it.

When we walked back to the house, Bertie was sat on the steps, twiddling his thumbs.

"What are you doing?" I glared down at him.

"Come to take you out." He jumped up and steered my towards the road.

"BERTIE!" I shouted - he was going to kill me!

There was a screech of hooves and a door opened. Bertie whispered something and shoved me into the carriage.

"Where are you taking me!" I demanded, giving him the death-glare.

"Somewhere," he replied.

I shrunk down in my seat and waited the journey. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2013 ⏰

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