part seven

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Suddenly, the two hands pulled me off of Bertie, and onto the laminate floor of the infirmary. I waited for my vision to return, and when it did, I looked up and saw the enemy advancing on me.

When she was close enough, I realised who she was. It was Rose-May!

"Get...Off...My...BOYFRIEND!" she screamed, throwing herself to me, pinning me to the floor.

"What?" I panted, trying to force her off me, but (for a small, teenage Baptist) she was incredibly strong.

"He's loved you since day one, but then you left and I replaced you. HE IS MINE!" she slapped me, making my cheek go as red as my hair.

I shrieked and she cackled at my pain. Finally, I gathered my strength and forced her off me. I hastily climbed to my feet and tried to make my to the door, but she grabbed my hair and pulled.

I was dragged backwards. I cursed myself for having such long hair, then I saw the scissors on table above me. I reached up and took them to hand, cutting my hair short. She fell as the last few strands snapped.

I dashed out of the room and I locked the door when I got out. I looked through the window and saw her, sat by Bertie's side, stroking his hand. I saw her smirk at me as she leaned towards him and gave him a long kiss - right on his lips!

I stared in open mouthed shock as she pulled away and he blinked. Once, twice, three times. He sits up, has a sip of water from the cup on the bedside. I unlocked the door and opened it quietly to see what he was saying to her.


"Yes, my sweetheart?"

"You saved me from under the chest!"

"Of course I did!"

I stared in wide-mouth horror at this...this...lying toad of a Baptist!

Bertie looked around. He had a look of confusion on his cute face. "Where am I?"

She opened her mouth, about to spout some petty little lie to make him forget that he had came to see me, but I spoke first.

"The Foundling Hospital, in London." she shot daggers at me as I walked over to them from my position leaning against the doorpost.

"What?!" he yelled.

"You came to see me, Bertie! You saved me! I have been sat there for four days! Then she turns up and attacks me, and pretends she saved you!" I yelled.

"She's a Baptist, Hetty," he frowned. "Why would she lie?"

I screamed and tears of rage and sadness flowed down my face. I raced out of the room and to my bedroom.

I slammed the door, making the photo of us in the lake fall off its hook above my bed.

Diving onto the bed, I sobbed into my pillow, having to turn it over after ten minutes because that side had became soggy with my emotional breakdown.

There was a knock at the door and I sat up.

"Who are you?" I whispered, my ear against the door

"Hetty, it's Bertie," He whispered.

That's when something inside me snapped. "GET AWAY YOU FREAK!"

He edged the door open and stuck his head through. "I SAID GET AWAY!" I screamed, throwing my memoirs at him. I then threw the small book my mama bought me that first Christmas at the hospital. I then threw my nice Italian marbled notebook.

He held his hands over his head to stop getting hit in his face. I picked up the little dog that he had won me. His eyes widened as I lifted it over my head.

"Hetty," He held up his hands. "Let's not be rash now!"

"RASH!? I HATE YOU! GET OUT!" When he didn't move I screamed in rage again.

He lifted his arms, expecting a shower of clay splinters as the ornament smashed against his already scarred arms. When it didn't come, he looked up.

I was knelt on the floor, staring at the dog. My face was bright red and my eyes puffy. I looked up and saw him watching me. I rubbed away my tears and placed the dog on the newly-assembled chest of drawers, along with my photo of my mama and the pictures of me and Bertie.

He sat beside me, taking my hand in his. I pulled my away. "You did that on our first outing, remember?" he laughed.

I scowled. "You went paddling." he continued.

"I couldn't give two hoots." I held my head in the air and leaned back against the wall, forgetting how far away from it I was. I nearly fell, but Bertie caught me. "Get out." I growled, getting to my feet.

He mumbled something and then left. I sighed, taking my work dress off and pulling my nightgown on.

I made my mind go blank and fell instantly asleep when my head hit the wet pillow. 

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