part four

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I woke up early the next morning. When I checked my watch I found it was 2:45 AM. I couldn't get back to sleep, so I got up and ready. I pinned my hair into a bun and then I got dressed.

I looked at my two dresses, my work dress and my emerald Sunday best. I didn't want to wear my best clothes, so I pulled on my grey work dress.

When I was refreshed and looking neat, I went outside. By  now it was half-past three. It was still dark, so I had to go back in and get a candle. I went back out when it was lit, and I went to the mailbox.

There were letters to the children from their foster families, bills for the Matrons and a small, with envelope that read:

Hetty Feather

The Foundling Hospital


I didn't recognise the writing; it wasn't Mr Buchanan's (defiantly), and it wasn't Mrs Briskett's or Sarah's.

I went back inside, stuffing the letter in my apron for later. I started the oven for when the cook got up. I then walked quietly to my room and sat silently on the bed, opening the letter. I read it carefully.

Hello, Beautiful,

I growled, about to throw the letter away, then I read the next line.

I know you will probably throw this letter away after that, but I just wanted you to know a few things

Number one is that, me and Rose-May are not  courting! Why would I court someone like her when I have - had - someone like you?

Number two. What is wrong with you?!?! I was trying to comfort you and console you, and you attack me!                         

Number three is we are all missing you, so, please come back

I love you...

Your sweetheart,  Bertie xxx

My hands burned as I held the letter. I didn't throw the letter away, I just scrunched it into a ball and tossed it into the corner.

I checked my watch again. 6 o'clock. I had spent three hours in that room.

It was then my duty to go and wake up the girls.

I walked into the little girls dorm. "Come on, girls!" I shouted, running round, shaking them awake. They stumbled around me, rubbing their large eyes.

When they were fully awake, I went to the kitchen to help with the breakfast.

After breakfast, I had one lesson then I went back to my room. I re-scanned the letter and wrote back.

Dear Bertie,

Thank you for your letter. But I am NOT coming back. I don't believe you, and I attacked you because you hurt me. A LOT.

Sapphire Battersea

I licked the envelope and stuck it down. Then, I pasted the stamp into the corner.

I  marched outside.

"Hello, Nurse Feather!"

"Good morning, Nurse Feather!"

I smiled back at the children, but went straight down the post box. I posted my letter and then walked back, just in time for my next lesson.

"Hello, children!" I called, stepping into the room and charging between the two isles of tables.

"Hello, Nurse Feather!"

I wrote words on the blackboard and told them to copy them in their best writing.

After the lesson, I was finished for the day.

 I went back to my room and fell asleep...

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