part eight

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I awoken at the normal time - but not for the normal reason.

It was Matron Pigface Peters, shouting at someone outside the room.

" you think you are doing in the girls wing?..." I looked through the keyhole of the door, and saw some unruly brown hair and a brown shirt and the starched white collar.


Then I saw Pigface lift a sweaty, bony, hand.

I slammed the door open, hitting Matron in the face. She lifted her hand and touched under her nose. Sticky, flowing read liquid came from one of her nostrils.

"Nurse Feather!" She boomed.

I ignored her and ran towards Bertie, flinging my arms around his neck.

"You came!" I cried, smiling into his starched shirt. "You came..."

"Yes, Hetty, and I have exciting news!" He was glowing.

"Yes?" I blinked my sapphire blue eyes up at him.

"Well, I got a letter, from Rose-May," I growled. "She said Jarvis and Mr Buchanan had said we were to be..."

My head snapped up.


I pulled away from him. "What?"

"Me and Rose-May are getting married!"

The sparkle in my blue eyes faded. "B-but, Bertie..."

"Yes, Hetty, with the big sapphire eyes?" He was too happy to see how upset I was.

"I thought...I thought...W-we were sweethearts?" I was shocked.

"Hetty!" He laughed, but I didn't see the humour in it. "Can't you see? My dream is coming true! All I need to do now is live off of your apple pies!"

I checked my pocket watch. It was time for my first lesson. Thank the Lord Almighty.

"I...I have to go, Bertie."

I then turned and ran down the corridors, a hand over my mouth to stop the screams.

Bertie's broken brown boots slapped the floor behind me at a fast pace. I knew he was faster than me, and stronger.

Suddenly, I felt someone wrap their arms round my waist and pick me up from the floor. I closed my eyes. They then carried me back to my room.

I opened my eyes. I was in my room, lying on my bed. There was someone walking round it with a small bin, taking all the pictures that had Bertie in them and throwing them in the bin. Some of them he just ripped in half so there was just me.

"What are you...?" Then he turned around, a look of anger.

I was amazed.

It was Jem!

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