You Try/Harm Yourself

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Louis: you were easy upset and easily hurt and when one person didn't like you added up. You didn't tell Louis it got to you as much as it did you just let it build up till you knew he wouldn't be here to stop you he was on tour and you friend was staying with for the duration of the time Lou was gone she had gone out so you had a shower and got changed and went on twitter bad idea there was more photos and tweets you didn't believe them but to see prettier girl with him hurt more than he knew so you ran to the bathroom not locking the door cause no one was home you grabbed you curling iron and waited for it to heat up and when it did you presses it hard on your skin you did that till the pain made you dizzy you sat down and went to sleep in the bathroom you awoke in a white room and your arm all bandaged up you looked around and saw you friend  there so you rolled over and didn't think much of it till you saw Louis there with his eyes closed but red and swollen "L-louis" i stuttered he looked at me "babe why didn't you just tell me i would've come home if you missed me that much" he was confused "that's not wry i did it babe" i said and put head down ashamed "then why sweetheart" he gripped my hand "(y/f/n) can you hand me my phone please" she placed you phone in your hand you log into twitter and show him the tweets and photos nd rolled over and cried "oh my god babe you didn't believe this did you" he said tears brimming his eyes "n-no i didn't but it hurt" i said crying harder "i bet it would" he climbed into bed with you and pulled you close "never again please you are not them you are you and you are mine forever and always 

Liam: you had scars all over your body but liam had never seen them so you didn't worry to much you were in the shower and and you had you music on and your iPhone kept buzzing and it was pausing your sings so you got out to see hundreds of hate tweets and facebook messages and things so you grabbed you blade you have hidden in you tampon box and hopped back in and just started to slice away you got about 20-30 slices slong your body and felt a tad dizzy so you stopped and hopped out cleaning you cuts so they would heal faster once you were done you slid on your longest tops and longest pants to keep liam from finding them i was careful how i sat so i didn't hurt myself "hey babe" liam chimes "hello sweet" you sing back "what have been up to today my love" he tightly warps his arms around my stomach i stiffen and wince "what happened are you okay did i hurt you let me see" he grabbed the hem of your shirt "NO you can't i just have to pee and you pressed on my bladder i have to go now watch the sauce" i ran off and cried it hurt so bad they started to bleed again and this was a white long top of course lucky me they wouldn't stop so i had to clean up again and run to our room across the hall and liam was there changing "fuck liam what are doing in here" i yell trying to cover my stomach "umm this is our room as in you and me i'm changing, why are you coving you stomach is that blood on your shirt" he was the shirt i had covering my deep cuts "it's nothing i dropped dome food dye on it a while ago and yeah i don't like my stomach to i just cover it so you don't see it" i say walking back out "(y/n) wait" you turn around and liam pulls the shirt from you body harshly you winced and dropped to the floor he tore it so forcefully they started to bleed again you ran off liam following suite you walk in trying to clean up again for the third time today but liam spun you around and just stood there and was mouthing words, numbers"27-28-29 (y/n) what for why what did i do" he feel to the ground crying "Li you did nothing people are mean here read" you pull your phone out and showed him he took a picture of your stomach and then wrote 'my baby had 29 new scars thanks to you stop before she dissaperes' 

Zayn: you had a lazt day alone no work nothing to do so you went on twitter and just looked an scrolled and you cry like you always do but this one was different it was worse harsher and more personal it got to you more you went to you're room and grabbed your pills and quickly put a message on twitter 'you win' simple over used but powerful you disconnected everything facebook twitter and your number so no on could reach you you had four in you hand and for about 20 minutes you just looked at them knowing it was time to go you out them up to your lips when zayn and the boys stormed though the door and zayn ran and pulled them out of your hand "no no NO zayn why WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT I WANT TO GO I HATE YOU" i went to get more but the bottle was ripped from your hand and you fell to the floor sobbing "i just want to leave" you sobbed "no i will not let you i will never let you go you can't leave me" he just landed next to you and engulfed you into his arms his warm musky smell filling your nostrils and you just snuggles into the familiar sent "how did you know" you spoke coarsely "i saw it on twitter and showed zayn while he was recording he just made paul speed home" niall spoke softly "thank you niall you saved her" zayn smiled at his irish brother and then kissed me "tell the studio i can't come in tomorrow i have some things that need to be taken care of here" he shook nialls hand and they walked out you both spent the next two days tell each other everything it felt better to let it all out.

Harry: you were expecting a parcel from your mu she had sent it from (y/h/t) and it was all you baby cloths and stuff it was really special to you and it had memories in it of you and you brother and you family you heard the door bell ring but then a high pitched girl squeal and you run to the door and you hear crackling and you smell burning you open the door to a flaming box of memories your baby cloths and your photos and everything you ever wanted to hand on even the most important things your nan knitted were being burned right infrount of you you fell to the ground crying and sobbing once the whole box had burnt to the ground you ran in and jsut tried to burn what's left of you you got out the hair straightener out the kettle on and once everything was done you just went all out pourning and melting the skin away you let out a scream of pain and hurt and grief you cleaned up and just got under the covers and cried hard until you fell asleep you shuddered awake you have red blisters that have formed over night and they were big and tender to touch and they were hot and sore "kitten what a-are they" he motioned towards the red blisters up your arms "i spilled hot water on myself last night" you got up and walked away into the kitchen seeing you hair straightener sitting in it's bag on the counter "no you didn't you never get your hair straightener to make water" he said matter of factly "fine i did spill water on myself but on purpose and these are burns because some of your stupid fans set all my memories on fire" you ran off to cry but harry followed me "baby come out please" he walked in and uncover you holding a photo of you and your family he walked out and came in with some movies a cold wet cloth and some nutella he put in the first movie and placed the cloths over your arms and pulled you onto his lap and made you tell him everything 

Niall: you were the most hated of the girls because you were nialls first girlfriend whilst he was in the band and the fans thought you would hurt him so they sent you picture of bridges to jump off and terrible things you teared up because today was the worst there wasn't a soul there to help niall was with the boys at a meeting so you went to to the closest bridge and took a photo and posted it on twitter with the caption 'is this good enough high enough for you' and you sat on the edge hot tears pouring down you face as you think about leaving niall he'll get over you there are better prettier people in this who were perfect for him your phone vibrated on the concrete pillar next to you you picked it up to see a message from niall he was at a meeting he should be messaging you you open it and it read 'no don't you dear leave me i know were you are and i'm comming to get you NOW if you jump i'll jump after you okay' you stood up on the ledge and thew your phone so he would think you never got it you shook as you stepped closer to the edge you could hear it calling you you could see death staring you in the face "(Y/N) no don't" you see niall sprinting towards you you shuffle forward a tad more "no PRINCESS no please you can't leave me please" he jumped up to you and stood with you "you jump i jump"he took your hand "no niall you have to much to live you don't need someone like me dragging you down" freah hot tears of pain flooded your face again "(y/n) no i have nothing to live for if i don't have you to live it with" you walked back and so did he. he jumped down and pulled you from the ledge and carried you to the car and handed you to harry until he in then he took you back holding you tight "h-how did you know" you asked quietly "my phone buzzed and i checked it and your name came up so i sneakly checked it and i saw the bridge close to you flat then i read the caption and then some comments and just dropped the mic and ran to paul the boys followed me and you got into the van and drove here i wasn't living without you" you cried  at his words they finally made you realize there was reason to live"you care" i you cried "always" we got home and went to bed you knew there was a reason to live Niall was the only reason you needed 

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