He Cheats (Zayn)

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Your (POV) 

being 6 months pregnant it eants that you can have sex and even oral makes you sick so zayn going cold turkey was hard and you felt really bad about. You'd been suscpicous for the last couple of weeks zayn had been going out and not telling you he'd come home and he's been rude and didn;t seem to care anymore. 

Zayns (POV) 

i'm going to meet emma again the more i do it the worse i feel the last four months i'd been with her just sex nothing more and she knew it she was in a realtionship as well catholic boy no sex till marrige you know she knew what it was like to just not be able to stop cold turkey and i couldn't i want a family really bad but she can't even give me a blowjob without thowing up and it was making me mad because i was going crazy. i think this was the that last time i'm happy now she needs me home she doens't need me creeping around like a manwhore which i am right now but this is it. i decide on my way to see her ironic huh i walk up through the club like i do when ever i see her she was there ready for me i just fuck her and thats it no kissing to cuddling after i just get up and get dressed as does she i fix my hair because the paps don't need ot be making up stories i'd kept it quiet till now.... 

Your (POV) 

i was doing some washing when i found a condom wrapper in his jeans i knew he couldn't have sex and it's new i just started crying i cried as i did the washing and then i looked around and i stopped i decied to just leave i took off my wedding ring on the coffee ontop of the wrapper i wrote a note

Dear Zayn,

i know that me being pregant is hard on you, it's hard on me too no sleep being sick i'm just sorry that our marrige wasn't good enough for you i know this is hard but we haven't had sex in 6 months and you don't use that brand anyway i know zayn i can put 2 and 2 together i love you zayn and yet again i;m sorry i'm prenant and i'm sorry that us couldn't work we are only as strong as our weakest link and zayn i'm sorry to say that's you and i'm leaving with my stuff and bub i'm sorry zayn i hope she can fulfil your needs... Bye Zayn

Love always Y/N 

 i packed my car with my clothes and some baby clothes and left took my car and just drove home i got out and and packed my house thank god i kept all my stuff i know i was being stupid but i couldn't be with a cheater i got hope and spent all the night unpacking i finished and my back was killing me i sat down and it was ecruciating i tried to sleep but bub kepts kicking my ribs and wasn't helping i eventually drifeted off and my phone rang it was niall 

*start of phone conversation*  

Y: hey niall 

N: y/n thnk god zayns worried sick 

Y: well good he should be the cheating basterd 

N: cheating he's not cheating 

Y: yes he is

i hear muffled sounds and some yelling and a crash and then niall came back 

N: i'll be over in 20 minutes alright i won't bring zayn

Y: thanks niall 

*end on phone conversation* 

i felt i'll and went to the bathroom to splash some water on my face but as i got to the bathroom i felt like i was a bout to be sick so i ran as fast as i could to the loo and vomited i lent my head aon the tiles and went to sleep 

Nialls (POV) 

i was furious how could he do that to her she pregnant and it;s his fault anyway i'm disgusted i can;t even look at hime right now i left in a huff and drove to y/n's knowing she's need someone as i arrived i saw the door ajar and walked in and looked everywhere and i couldn;t see her or hear her i yelled her name i walked to the bathroom and saw her laying on hte floor snoring lightly i could see she's been sick i flushed the toilet and carried her to her bedroom i cuddled her until she woke up and she saw me and mumbled

"niall i-is that you"

"yeah babe it's me i know you're stuttering because you've been crying i can tell your eyes are big and puffy and you always bit your nails when you cry and they are all jaggered and sharp poor thing i fell for you i really do hell i'd be a better father than zayn would right now"

she nodded in acceptance "yes niall yes you would" she started to cry and i held he close she kept mummbling

"niall don;t go plese don't go i need you stay with me"

i kissed her head as i cried

"i'm not going anwhere i promise"

i pulled the comforter over both of us she popped her leg on my hips and rubbed her belly i did the same thing making her swoon

"niall i like you alot you've always been there for me i was too blinded by zayns mysertious personality to see how beautiful you are please be with me" 

that made my heart melt when zayn introduces use 4 years ago i could see she was different and that i wanted her to  myself it was love at first sight but i stood back because going after someone who's taken was wrong on so many levles 

"i love you y/n but you were with zayn so i burried my feelings" i cried i couldn't stop 4 years of heart ache over the girl i wanted by my mate got and all my dreams were comming true 

"niall i wish i could marry you" she mumbled sleepily 

"well then marry me" i sobbed i just wanted her to be mine 

"she kissed my lips and said ask me tomorrow" she giggled 

"why babe" 

"because tomorrow is my birthday and it would be the best present to have you forever" 

"oooohh" she jumped 

"what are you okay" i stressed 

"yeah i am he kicked" she grabbed my hand and i felt it that was it i'm in love she's mine forever 

*the next day* 

we went down and filed her divorce papers and we went home and i decied to call zayn 

*start of phone conversation* 

Z: hey ni 

N: hi 

Z: what wrong mate

N: don't mate me we are not mates anymore 

Z: what the fuck niall or course we are you really do have a shit memory 

he laughed 

N: no what you did was disgusting i hope your happy i hope emma make you happy

Z: oh fuck of niall she's still mine we're still married right and yes i do love emma right

N: actually in 2 days you'll get paper to sign Y/n and i filed for your divorce and 20 minutes ago have good life now zayn she's mine and i love her with every ince of my heart that baby will grow up with a father who won't cheat or be unfaithful 

Z: well fuck you niall i never loved her anyway 

N: good cause i do and you won't ever see that child again ever 

Z: fine you can have the skank and her daughter 

N: it's a boy zayn she's one sn't a skank you are anf two she's having a son not a daughter so don't you dare come any where near us ever again you hear me 

Z: fine fuck you 

N: whatever your loss 

*end of phone converation*

*6 months later* 

y/n had a son and we called him luke edward horan and we got married just my family and hers in the country side in irland it was perfect were were perfect i love her and my life can;t get any better. 

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