He Finds Out Something You That Happened When You Were A Child (Louis)

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Raped you were raped at the age of 13 and you hadn't told louis because you just couldn't each time you tried you just had to change the subject but you knew you;d have to tell him people had started to say things and fans had been tweeting about it and you knew he'd find out sooner or later so it was your 1 year anniversary next month and you thought it would be a good time then.

so you waited and didn't bother with twitter because you thought it'll take longer than a month for everyone to understand what they were saying.....  right

*two weeks later* 

Louis (POV) 

the fans had been saying things about y/n loosing her viginity at 13 but she told me that i was her first. I thought about it and i m when she told me she said i was her first real time i didn;t understand at first but the more i thought the more i was scered to believe she had been raped so i called her mum i knew she wouldn't tell me if i asked so i dialed her mums number

*start of phone conversation* 

L: hello mrs y/l/n 
M: Hey Louis, How are you sweet? 
L: confused i need to ask you something and it's about y/n and if you don;t want to tell me i understand but i need to know if that's okay 
M: yeah louis anything. are you okay 
L: was y/n raped ever 
M: yeah louis she was at 13 it was reall hard on her 
L: ohh god 
M: is everything okay hun
L: yeah i don;t know why she didn;t tell me though 
M: it affected her ina lot of ways 
L: thank you so much mrs y/l/n 
M: anytime louis thank you tell her i said i miss her and i love her 
L: i will thank you again 
M: good bye louis see you soon sweet 
L: for sure talk soon 
M: bye louis 

*end of conversation* 

i had to see y/n i need to talk to her 
i race to out apartment i wasn't;t calling her form the studio not about this 
"boys i've got to go it's very important" i yell from the door 
"yeah sure mate we'll let paul know" i hear liam yell back 
i race to my car and jump in in such a frantic manner i forgot to put my seat belt on 

once i got home i saw her cleaning and scrubbing the kitchen to some music as she normally does i run to our roon quietly i went through out bookcase and found it her diary she forbidden me to look in it for most likely this reason i found it page after page of her horrid dreams and thoughts as i putit back she walks in and stops and sees what i'm holding, she blots up and ripped it from my grasp 

"why are you looking in it i told you never to look it louis jesus christ it's personal are you deaf don;t fucking read it" she bellowed at me 

"babe i'm sorry but i already knew i just needed to make sure" i walked over to her and took the diray from her sliding but in it's place on the shelf. 

"how d-did you know" she looked like she was going to shatter with how much she was shaking 

"i've read some tweet hear some stories and i didn;t know what to believe so i called your mum i dind;t have a choice i'm sorry baby  really i knew i just had to make sure i knew your diary would tell me so i read it i'm so sorry baby i am so so sorry" 
she ran towards me and clung to me and sobbed she was slowly sinking to the floor and once she got there i fell down as well and pulled her into my chest hushing her 

"baby shhh it's okay i'm here i will always be here you don't need to explain anything okay just hop in to bed i'm going to the shop i'll be back im 15 minutes tops she nodded and got into bed i raced off and got some sweets and crisps and some tea and cool drink for us to have i rented about 4 different movies and texted the boys saying i'm ill and can't com in till monday 

when i got home i saw her curled up on my side on the bed crying into my pillow i just layed out everything in blown and brought some tea and cups up for us and we watched movies all day she told me all about it and i just couldn't fathom who'd what to taint a poor innocent 13 yr old girl but what happened happened and all i can now promise her is that for as long and she knows me i won't let it happen again,

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