He Hurts You (Niall)

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(His POV) 

i was at home with (y/n) and she was being her normal self bouncing off the walls and she was pissing me off actual i just got back from tour and it was out anniversary tomorrow and she was so exited we will have been together one year tomorrow which did put a smile on my face. She was acting like a child and she was jumping on the bed trying to get to wake up i pushed her off no  hard but i did hear a loud thud but i didn't care it was probably just her jumping off the bed. I roll over and go back to sleep she'd given me a Major headache.

Your (POV) 

He pushed me off not hard but i lost my balance and landed head first on the floor boards and i let out a whimper but her just rolled over and went back to sleep. It was 2:30 in the after noon and i have reservation for 5 and his favorite restaurant and i planned on taking him thought park cause i set up all photos of us there and i was really exited for him to see it. i wasn't going to be here tomorrow and he knew that i had to fly home for a makeup graduation thing and i had to fly out at 3 in the morning. I walked over and saw the massive purple black  bruise that had formed on my forehead and eye i started to cry it really hurt. What hurt more is that he didn't even care. He still hadn't woken up and i had fallen asleep and it's now 11 o'clock at night and i wrote a note and went to our room to quietly pack for my trip. i just got ready for my flight cause i had to be there two hours early and i still had to get there i kissed him good bye and left ever so quietly. But before i left i took a photo of my face and sent it to him just before i go on the plane 

Nialls (POV) 

I woke up at midnight and i had sleep for hours and i felt replenished it was glorious i walked down stairs to see a note on the fridge it was from (y/n) 

Dear Niall,
i'm sorry for what ever i did but i don't think what ever it was i don't i deserved to be pushed i have a large bruise on my face but that deosn't matter. I wanted you to get up because i had a trip throughout park planned and reservation at you favorite place because i told you that i won't be here tomorrow because of my graduation for my course not sure if you remember 
i've had to go for my flight 
i love you and happy one year 
if that still means anything 

i just froze and ran to the park to see all of these photos pinned up alone the trees i saw our first date and our first kiss out first i love you and then i came across this one photo of her she was smiling and laughing it was when she can over for two weeks for my birthday it was the best surprise because no one had remembered i smiled just a thought it made me so had. Just then get a message from (y/n) and i open it to see her bruised covered face and that's when i died inside. I texted back 

please tell me i didn't do that, please

i awaited for a reply

i really wish i could niall i really do. 

i couldn't not live without her i just ran home and got some fresh clothes and got a cab to the airport i couldn't not let her leave she'll never come back. I got to the airport and i saw i ran though the terminals and then i saw her i bought a ticket and ran after her i needed to make this right and i would do anything for her to forgive me. I ran to her and i spun her around and i saw her face it was red and puffy from crying,

"Niall what are you doing"

i didn't say anything i just hugged her and and i made sure to be careful of he face i saw it and it made me cry i couldn't believe i did that to her i couldn't dare call myself a man after that. I looked at her and she was smiling and she kissed my cheek. 
"what princess why are you happy, i did this to you" 

"because you're here you came, i love you" she hugged me tight i hugged her back tight

"please princess please forgive me i'll do anything to make it right it fine i promise" i kissed her and i hugged her i switched seats with the person so i would sit next to her on the flight back she fell asleep  so i wrote down some lyrics to sing to her when we got back to her home. I kissed her svreal time during the flight she seemed a but sad though. I wonder why.

"love why are you upset" she looked at me and cried 
"i can't go on stage with this, it's hideous. I'm sorry i annoyed you so much earlier i was just trying to show you how much i love you" she sobbed i froze we had never said that to each other well not in a serious kind on cercumstance it was a shock i love her i really love her and i've cause her sp much pain. I didn't know how to react 

"i love you to princess, and it's not ugly, It's impossible for you to be ugly. If anything it's my fault i shouldn't have pushed you i shouldn't have just left you i should have been a boyfriend and i'm sorry it's not right it's not how i should've acted." we both just cried until we fell asleep in each others arms.

when we wake up we landed and she got her award with no bruise showing because that's just how amazing she is i love her with all my heart.

just before we head home i go by the most beautiful ring so i can show her that our love is forever.

Sorry about the ending it's a bit shit but i rushed it have a doctor appt so wish me luck :)

this is also the addition to liams one and all of them will be different story lines so you aren't reading the same thing over and over again i hope you like it comment below if you did or didn't or any CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM thank you 

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