How You Tell Him Your Pregnant

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Louis: you found out you were pregnant about two days ago so you knew you had to tell niall you though 'okay i'll organize a dinner and stuff and break it to him gently

he walked in the door to a perfecy set up table but not the classic red's roses and stuff there were baby coloured things pink and blue plates and spoons and stuff 

he walked in the door and his mouth dropped you were in a knee length plae pink dress 

"babe what's going on"  he asked very confused 

"sit down Louis i have dinner and then some news" you motioned for him to sir down and you placethe simple spaghetti on his plate 

"this is loveely princess but what with the pink and the blue it reminds me of a baby shower" he laughs 

"yeah it does actually" you laugh back 

"what was your news babe" Louis asked clearing the plates 

"well hypatheticly if i said i wanted a baby Louis running around in 9 months what you say to that" you questioned

"i would be one hundred percent over the moon we have been married for two years and a baby is what we need" he smiled 

"glad to hear" you walkd off getting the teaster from in my bag 

you walk back out 

"why  do you ask princess" he wonderes aloud 

you place the tester infrount of him 

"you're pregnant.....  i'm going to be a dad" he yelled and picked you up and spun you around

"yes Louis" he ran off 

"boys i'm going to be a dad" he cries into the phone 

i love my husband 

Liam: Your (P.O.V) 

it's been a week since you knew and you had a bag packed ready to go he was 20 his carrer at it's peak and you couldn't throw a baby on top of that so you pack your bag and you wrote a note


i have to go back home i couldn't burden you more than i have i am pregnant and it's yours but you need stabilty and this will just screw up everything i don't want to loose what we have but i can't be the reason your carrer goes down the drain i couldn't bare to watch it i'll always love Li 

you grab your bag and leave the note on the table with your engagement ring he gave you

Liam (P.O.V)

i come hom expecting to see my beautiful fience only to be greeted with a dark house and silence i got worried and turned the light on and saw it there her engagement righ on top of some papaer i raced over and picked up the small ring and teared up i then read the note 

"i'm gonna be a dad" i cried i'm so happy why would she think it would effec my carrer i have to go get her i thought to myslef i grabbed my keys and called niall i was in to much of a state to drive he came in nd hoped in the car we got to the air port and i see her two people away from the check in once she's in there i can't get her  "Maddison no wait pelase" i yell he head snaps around i cry harder 

"Liam no you should be here" she cried 

"why you're my fience and that is my baby i am not letting either of you leave me" i grab her bags and her and tug her back to nialls car i put her in te car and i got in 

"you don't need me" she kept saying

"you don't know how much i need you 

i stroke her stomach that's my baby and that my fience 

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